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Removing Control Compartment Door: Openthedoorby gentlyliftintitupwarduntilthe hook catches on boths sides clear the locating slots. Then pull door out to remove. On millivolt systems, the piezo igniter, HI/LO flame adjustment knob, and pilot and main gas OFF/ON control knob are located below the glass panel enclosure. The gas valve for electronic systems is also located below the glass enclosure panel. See Figure 1. Reinstalling Control Compartment Door: Toreinstall,insertthehookcatchesoneachside of the door into the corresponding slots in the controlcompartmentopening,thengentlypush forward and side down until it locks in place. Figure 1 OPENING CONTROL COMPARTMENT DOOR Control Valve Lower Control Compartment Door Lift the Lower Control Compartment Doorup and pull out to remove. Up Out Hook Catch OPERATION AND CARE OF YOUR APPLIANCE The standard controls for appliance operation are located behind the lower control compartmetn door below the appliance front glass enclosure panel (see Figure 1). Optional control switches are also available (see Pages 13 & 14 -Remote Wall Switch, Remote Control or Rocker Switch Kits). Operation of millivolt and electronic gas control systems are different. Before lighting and operating your appliance determine if you have a millivolt or electronic appliance. Familiarize yourself with the gas control valve that your appliance uses. Refer to Figure 1 for access to the gas control valve. WARNING Millivolt Appliances -ApplianceswithMillivoltsystemswillbefittedwiththegascontrolvalveshowninFigures4or5. Electronic Appliances -ApplianceswithelectronicsystemswillbefittedwiththeelectronicvalveshowninFigure3. Millivolt Appliances - Tolightmillivoltappli- ancesrefertothedetailedlightinginstructionsfoundonPages16&17.Millivolt appliance lighting instructions may also be found on the pull out lighting instruction labels attached to the gas control valve. MillivoltappliancescanbefittedwithanoptionalOFF/ONRockerSwitchtobelocatedbehindthecontrolcompartmentaccessdoor,belowtheappliancefrontglassenclosurepanel(seeFigures1&2forlocationandPage13fororderinginformation).Oncethepilotislit,theOFF/ONrockerswitchwillcontroltheapplianceOFF/ONburneroperation.Tooperate:ToggletheswitchbetweenitsONandOFFpositions. Ifyourmillivoltapplianceisequippedwithanoptionalremoteswitchkitinsteadofanoptionalrockerswitch(wallswitchorremotecontrol)andthepilotislit,theappliancemainburnermaybeturnedonandoffusingtheoptionalswitch. Note:Topreventexcessiveresistanceinburnercircuit(whichcancauseburneroperationprob- lems),onlyoneburnercontrolswitchshouldbewiredtothevalve. SIT & Honeywell millivolt gas valve showing piezo igniter location (each unit is equipped with only one SIT Gas Valve Shown with control compartment door removed Piezo IgniterB Vent appliances are not designed to operate in negatively pressured environments (pressure within the homeislessthanpressuresoutside). Significant negatively pressured environments caused by weather, home design, or other devic...
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