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Istruzioni per l'uso Lenoxx Electronics, Modello CT-99

Produttore : Lenoxx Electronics
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File Nome : ecc7d2a5-f98c-41f3-a5b4-ca18ed752241.pdf
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Facilità d'uso

outlet. 2. Operate the Set on Batterie. Insert 4 size .D. batteries (not included) into the batter. compartment. D D D D BACK OF SE. LISTENING TO THE RADIO Connect the supplied AC power cord or batteries (see page 4). Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to AM or FM position. 1&4 3 2 1 2 Tune into the station you prefer using the TUNING control. Adjust for the clearest sound. 5 RADIO OFF TAPE FM AM 3 Adjust the volume level by rotating the VOLUME control. To turn off the Radio, slide the FUNCTION switch to TAPE (RADIO OFF) position. 4 MIN VOLUME MAX TUNING RADIO OFF TAPE FM AM TIP:To improve broadcast reception, change position of the antenna for FM and rotate the player itself for AM. PLAYING A TAP. Connect the supplied AC power cord or batteries (see page 9). Slide the FUNCTIO. switch to TAPE (POWE. TAP. F. A. OFF) position. 1 RADIO OFF 23 Press the STOP/EJEC. button to open the tap. compartment and inser. STOP/EJ. a recorded tape. Clos. the door. EMPTY FULL REEL REEL INSERT TAPE THIS WAY FULL REEL ON RIGHT Press the PLAY button. The player turns on andstarts playing. USE THESE BUTTONS FOR ADDITIONAL OPERATIONS To Stop playback Eject the cassette TIP Press or Adjust Adjust the volume VOLUME control Fast forward or rewind the tape FAST FORWARD button or REWIND button Pause playback PAUSE button Press again to resume play after pause. STOP/EJECT button STOP/EJECT button 7 VOLUME CONTROL STOP/EJ. FAST FORWARD & REWIND PLAY To enjoy the music without disturbing others Insert your headphone plug into the mono EARPHONE jack When the tape finishes playing that side of the tape, the set will stop and the PLAY button will pop up. To hear the other side, flip the tape over, then insert and press PLAY, or press REWIND then PLAY to hear the same song again. PAUSE L MONO EARPHONE JACK NOTE: If you use stereo headphones, you will only hear sound from one side of the headphones because this jack is mono. RECORDING ON A TAP. . MICROPHON. Connect the supplied AC power cord or batteries (see page 4). . 1 Press the STOP/EJECT butto. INSERT TAPE THIS WAY FULL REEL ON RIGHT to open the tape compartmen. STOP/EJ. and insert a blank tape. Selec. the program source (AM, F. or built-in microphone) yo. want to record. . 2 To record from radio, slide th. FUNCTION switch to AM or F. TAP. F. A. position, and tune into the statio. you want (see page 5). R. DIO OF. To record from the built-i. microphone, leave the FUNCTIO. TAP. F. A. switch at TAPE position, and spea. in front of the set. R. DIO OF. 3 Press the RECORD button to star. recording. (The PLAY button i. depressed automatically.. RECOR. • Adjusting th. VOLUME contro. will not affect th. recording level. • For best recordin. effect, use AC powe. instead of batteries. • To erase a recording. just start a new one. and the old recordin. is automaticall. replaced. USE THESE BUTTONS FO. ADDITIONAL OPERATION. FUNCTIO. SWITC. PAUSESTOP/EJECT T. Stop recordin. Pause recordin. Press or Adjus. STOP/EJECT butto. PAUSE butto. Press the button again t. resume recording. Turn off the powe. Press the STOP/EJECT butto. and slide the FUNCTIO. switch to TAPE (RADIO OFF. position. PRECAUTION. On Safet. . Should any solid object or liquid fal. into the set, disconnect the power, an. have it checked by qualified personne. before operating it any further. On Placemen. . Do not leave the set in a locatio. near heat source, or in a place subjec. to direct sunlight, excessive dust o. mechanical shock. . Do not place the set on an incline. or unstable place. . Do not place anything within 1 inch o. the back of the cabinet. The ventilatio. holes must be unobstructed for th. set to operate properly and prolon. the life of its components. . If the set is left in a car parked i. the sun, be sure to choose a locatio. in the car where the set will not b. subjected to the direct rays of the sun. . Since a strong magnet is used for th. speakers, keep personal credit card. using magnetic coding or spring. wound watches away from the se. to prevent possible damage from th. magnet. On Power Source. . For battery operation, use 4 size .D. batteries. We recommend alkalin. batteries for longer life. . When the batteries are not to be used. remove them to avoid damage that ca. be caused by battery leakage o. corrosion. . The nameplate indicating operatin. voltage, power consumption, etc. i. located at the back of the set. Notes on Cassette. . Break off the cassette tab from side . or B to prevent accidental recording. If you want to reuse the tape fo. recording, cover the broken tab wit. adhesive tape. Side ATab for side ATab for side B . To record on a tape with its tab broke. off, cover the respective tab hole for sid. A or B with adhesive tape. . The use of a cassette with more than 9. minutes of play time is not recommende. except for long continuous recording o. playback. . To reduce the chances of tape jammin. or tangling, you should check that ther. are no loose layers of tape visibl. through the cassette center window. I...

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