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Istruzioni per l'uso Gigabyte, Modello GA-8SMMLP

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Please U SB Ov er C urrent contact y our nearest dealer for optional front panel U SB cable. 16) COMB (COM B Connector)(White) • Be careful with the polarity of the C OM B connector. C heck the pin assignment while y ou N DSRB GN D U SB Dx + GN D U SB Dx - Pow er 1 Pow er U SB Dy - connect the C OM B cable. N SIN B N C Please contact y our nearest dealer for optional C OM B cable. N RIBN RTSB N DC DB 17) CI (CASE OPEN) • This 2 pin connector allow s y our sy stem to enable or disable the “C ase Open”item in BIOS if the sy stem case begin remov e. GN D Signal N DTRBN C TSB1 N SOU TB GN D 1 GA-8SMMLP Series Motherboard -20 English English -21 -Hardw are Installation Process English English GA-8SMMLP Series Motherboard -22 Chapter 3 BIOS Setup Chapter 3 BIOS Setup BIOS Setup is an ov erv iew of the BIOS Setup Program. The program that allow s users to modify the basic sy stem configuratio n. This ty pe of information is stored in battery -b acked C M OS RAM so that it retains the Setup information w hen the pow er is turned off. ENTERING S ETUP Pow ering ON the computer and pressing immediately w ill allow y ou to enter Setup. If y ou require more adv anced BIOS settings, please go to “Adv anced BIOS” setting menu.To enter Adv anced BIOS setting menu, press “C trl+F1” key on the BIOS screen. CONTROL KEYS M ov e to prev ious item M ov e to nex t item <.> M ov e to the item in the left hand M ov e to the item in the right hand Select item M ain M enu -Quit and not sav e changes into C M OS Status Page Setup M enu and Option Page Setup M enu -Ex it current page and return to M ain M enu <+/PgU p> Increase the numeric v alue or make changes <-/PgDn> Decrease the numeric v alue or make changes General help, only for Status Page Setup M enu and Option Page Setup M enu Item H elp Reserv ed Reserv ed Restore the prev ious C M OS v alue from C M OS, only for Option Page Setup M enu Load the file-safe default C M OS v alue from BIOS default table Load the Optimized Defaults Q-Flash function Reserv ed Sav e all the C M OS changes, only for M ain M enu English -23 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish GETTING HELP Main Menu The on-line description of the highlighted setup function is display ed at the bottom of the screen. S tatus P age S etup Menu / Option Page S e tup Menu Press F 1 to pop up a small help w in dow that descr ibes the appro priate key s to use and the p ossible selections for the highlighted item. To ex it the H elp Window press . The Main Me nu (For example: BIOS Ver. : F1) Once y ou enter Aw ard BIOS C M OS Setup U tility, the M ain Menu (Figure 1) will appear on the screen. The M ain M enu allow s y ou to select from eight setup functions and tw o ex it choices. U se arrow key s to select among the items and press to accept or enter the sub-menu. CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2002 Aw ard Softw are }Standard CMOS Features }Adv anced BIOS Features }Integrated Peripherals }Pow er Management Setup }PnP/PCI Configurations }PC Health Status }Frequency /Voltage Control Top Performance Load Fail-Safe Defaults Load Optimized Defaults Set Superv isor Passw ord Set User Passw ord Sav e & Ex it Setup Ex it Without Sav ing ESC:Quit F8: Q-Flash higf:Select Item F10:Sav e & Ex it Setup Time, Date, Hard Disk Ty pe... Figure 1: Main Menu If you can’t find the set ting you want, p lease press ”Ctrl+F1” to search th e advanced optio n widden. • S tandard CMOS Features This setup page includes all the items in standard compatible BIOS. • Advanced BIOS Features This setup page includes all the items of Aw ard special enhanced features. GA-8SMMLP Series Motherboard -24 • Integrated Peripherals This setup page includes all onboard peripherals. • Power Manag ement S etup This setup page includes all the items of Green function features. • PnP/PCI Con figurations This setup page includes all the configurations of PC I & PnP ISA resources. • PC Healt h S tatus This setup page is the Sy stem auto detect Temperature, v oltage, fan, speed. • Frequen cy/Voltage C ontrol This setup page is control C PU ’s clock and frequency ratio. • Top Performance If y ou wish to max imize the performance of y our sy stem, set " Top Performance" as " Enabled" . • Load Fail-S afe Defaults Fail-Safe Defaults indicates the v alue of the sy stem parameters w hich the sy stem w ould be in safe configuration. • Load Optimiz ed Defaults Optimized Defaults indicates the v alue of the sy stem parameters w hich the sy stem w ould be in best performance configuration. • S et S upervis or pas s word C hange, set, or disable passw ord. It allow s y ou to limit access to the sy stem and Setup, or just to Setup. • S et Us er pas s word C hange, set, or disable passw ord. It allow s y ou to limit access to the sy stem. • S ave & Exit S etup Sav e C M OS v alue settings to C M OS and ex it setup. • Exit Without S aving Abandon all C M OS v alue changes and ex it setup. ...

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