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E SELECT button This button is used to select the Stereo Out. If it’s clicked while the Remote Layer is selected, it will light up, but the Stereo Out will not appear in the Selected Channel window. F ON button This button turns the Stereo Out on and off. It appears orange while the Stereo Out is on. G Channel fader This is the Stereo Out fader. 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 3-1 5.1 6.1 Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual Output Channels 13 Output Channels 13 When the Master Layer is selected, the Bus Out and Aux Send channels are displayed. A Bus Out channel is shown here. Aux Send channels appear the same except that they do not have a STEREO button. 6 C N L J O M K I 8 7 5 D 1 2 A STEREO button (Bus Out only) This button is used to route the Bus Out to the Stereo Out. B INSERT button This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Insert. C COMP button This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Compressor. D Compressor curve This display shows the Compressor’s curve. E EQ button This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s EQ. F EQ curve This display shows the Equalizer’s curve, which can be set by dragging. G DELAY button This button is used to turn on and off the Bus Out’s Delay function. H Delay parameter This parameter is used to set the delay time of the Delay function. Delay times can be set by dragging. I Channel number This is the channel number. J SELECT button This button is used to select the Bus Out. K SOLO button This button solos the Bus Out. It appears orange while the Bus Out is soloed. L ON button This button turns the Bus Out on and off. It appears orange while the Bus Out is on. M Short channel name This is the channel’s short name. To edit the name, click it and type. N Channel fader This is the Bus Out’s fader. O Channel meter This meter displays the signal level of the Bus Out. Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual 14 Chapter 2—Console Window 14 Chapter 2—Console Window When the Remote Layer is selected, Remote Channels are displayed. A Channel number This is the channel number. B SELECT button This button is used to select the Remote Channel. C ON button This button turns the Remote Channel on and off. It appears orange while the channel is on. D Short channel name This is the Remote Channel’s short name. To edit the name, click it and type. E Channel fader This is the Remote Channel’s fader. C 5 D 1 2 Note: When the remote target setting on the 01V96 is set to User Defined, you can use the ON buttons and channel faders to control the functions specified on the Remote page.When the remote target is set to anything other than User Defined, the ON buttons and channel faders have no effect, and the name of the specified target is displayed in the channel’s short name. Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual Selected Channel Window 15 Selected Channel Window 15 w The Selected Channel window allows detailed editing of the currently selected channel. To open the Selected Channel window, choose Selected Channel from the Windows menu. The layout of the Selected Channel window depends on the currently selected channel. There are six variations, as follows: •Input Channels (see below) •Stereo Input Channels (see page 17) •Bus Outs (see page 18) •Aux Sends (see page 20) •Stereo Out (see page 21) •Remote Channels (see page 22) Input Channels This is the Selected Channel window for Input Channels. 87 9 2 31 5 64 A CHANNEL SELECT, INPUT PATCH & LIBRARY section Channels can be selected by clicking the Channel ID and selecting from the list that appears, or by clicking the left and right Channel Select buttons. The long channel name is displayed below the Channel ID. To edit the name, click it and type. The INPUT PATCH parameter is used to select an input source. To select an input, click the parameter and choose from the list that appears. The LIBRARY button opens the Channel Library window. Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual 16 Chapter 3—Selected Channel Window 16 Chapter 3—Selected Channel Window C EQUALIZER section This section contains the EQ controls and display graph for the currently selected Input Channel. The rotary controls are used to set the gain, center frequency, and Q of each band, and the pre-EQ attenuation level. EQ can also be set by dragging the EQ curve on the EQUALIZER graph. The ON button turns the EQ on and off. The TYPE buttons select the EQ type. The LIBRARY button opens the EQ Library window. D DELAY & PHASE section This section contains the delay and phase controls for the currently selected Input Channel. The rotary controls are used to set the delay time, feedback gain, and feedback mix. The ON button turns the Delay on and off. The PHASE button reverses the channel’s signal phase. E ROUTING, PAN & level section This section contains the routing, pan, and level controls and the SOLO, and ON buttons for the currently selected Input Channel. ROUTING buttons 1–8 are used to route the channel to the Bus Outs. The STEREO button routes the channel to the S...