da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
157 STRENGTH (Intensitat) ............... 123 STYLE .............. 31, 71, 81, 152, 156 STYLE CONTROL ................. 34, 81 STYLE CREATOR................ 83, 159 Style Touch (Style-Anschlag)......... 157 SUB .......................................... 17 SUB-Buchsen............................. 186 Suche ........................................ 41 Super Articulation ........................ 86 SUSTAIN ............. 16, 39, 83, 87, 189 Sweet! ....................................... 86 Swing ....................................... 164 SYNC START ..... 31, 80, 81, 155, 190 SYNC STOP ............ 35, 81, 155, 190 Synchro Stop Window (Synchronstopp-Fenster) ............ 157 SYS/EX. ............................. 83, 215 SYSTEM ............................ 82, 215 SYSTEM RESET.................. 82, 196 System Setup ....................... 71, 196 Systemeffekt .............................. 182 Systemexklusive Meldung............. 210 Systemmeldung .......................... 210 T TAB ..................................................... 69 Takt .................................. 125, 127 TALK ................................. 81, 190 Talk Setting ............................... 177 Tap (Klopfen) ....................... 35, 154 TAP TEMPO.................. 81, 154, 190 Tastatur ............................ 14, 80, 87 Tastatur-Part......................... 84, 179 TEMPO ................. 81, 133, 154, 158 Text.......................................... 115 TEXT PAGE +/-......................... 190 Time Signature (Taktma.) ............. 133 TO DEVICE ............................... 16 TO HOST................................... 16 TO LEFT SPEAKER .................... 17 TO RIGHT SPEAKER .................. 16 TO SUB WOOFER ...................... 17 TOUCH LIMIT (Anschlagstarke-Limit) .............. 192 Touch Sense (Anschlagempfindlichkeit) .......... 91 TRANSMIT......................... 82, 215 TRANSMIT CLOCK (Clock-Signal senden) ............... 215 TRANSPOSE.................. 81, 88, 180 TRANSPOSE ASSIGN (Transpose zuweisen) ................ 191 TRIM ........................................ 17 TUNE (Stimmung) ....................... 82 Tuning (Stimmung) .............. 180, 187 U Upper ....................................... 215 UPPER OCTAVE ................... 27, 83, 88 USB .......................................... 16 USB drive .................................. 71 USB TO DEVICE .............. 15, 16, 64 USB TO HOST ...................... 16, 66 USB-Laufwerk ............................ 29 USB-Speichergerat ....................... 64 User Master Compressor......... 71, 185 User-Effekt .................... 71, 183, 196 User-Laufwerk ....................... 29, 71 User-Master-EQ.................... 71, 184 UTILITY ............................ 82, 193 V Velocity .................................... 210 Versionsnummer ......................... 195 VH TYPE SELECT.......... 48, 81, 175 Vibrato ...................................... 93 Vibrato Depth (Vibrato-Tiefe) ......... 89 Vibrato On/Off ............................ 89 Vibrato Speed (Vibrato-Geschwindigkeit) .......... 90 VIDEO OUT ........................ 16, 188 VIEW (Ansicht) .......................... 77 Vocal Cue Time ...................... 49, 51 VOCAL HARMONY 48, 81, 181, 190 Vocal-Harmony-Modus ................ 178 Vocal-Harmony-Typ ..................... 48 Vocoder .................................... 178 VOICE ....................... 25, 83, 84, 85 VOICE CREATOR.................. 83, 95 Voice Editor ............................... 111 VOICE EFFECT................ 39, 83, 87 Voice Information ........................ 25 VOICE SET............... 82, 89, 91, 188 Voice-Nummer ........................... 193 Voice-Zuordnungsformat .............. 212 VOL/VOICE ......................... 82, 180 VOLUME ..................... 16, 189, 192 VOLUME (Lautstarke)............. 90, 91 W WAVE IMPORT .......................... 83 X XG ........................................... 85 Bedienungsanleitung Tyros2 235 Bedienungsanleitung Tyros2 Limited Warranty 90 DAYS LABOR 1 YEAR PARTS Yamaha Corporation of America, hereafter referred to as Yamaha, warrants to the original consumer of a product included in the categories listed below, that the product will be free of defects in materials and/or workmanship for the periods indicated. This warranty is applicable to all models included in the following series of products: DIGITAL WORKSTATION If during the first 90 days that immediately follows the purchase date, your new Yamaha product covered by this warranty is found to have a defect in material and/or workmanship, Yamaha and/or its authorized representative will repair such defect without charge for parts or labor. If parts should be required after this 90 day period but within the one year period that immediately follows the purchase date, Yamaha will, subject to the terms of this warranty, supply these parts without charge. However, charges for labor, and/or any miscellaneous exp...