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(agence de protection environnementale américaine), méthode 28. Refer to instructions manual All Drolet EPA stoves are approved by ITS (Intertek testing services) according to ULC S-627, UL 1482 and EPA (Environmental protection Agency) method 28 standards. u Détaillant autorisé: Authorized dealer: Fiche technique Technical data Type de combustible - Combustible type : Bois - Wood Surface recommandée (pi2/m2) - Recommended surface (ft2/m2) : 500 à/to 2 000pi2/ft2 (46 à/to 186 m2) Combu
(agence de protection environnementale americaine), methode 28. Couleur -Color: Noir metallique - metallic black Dimensions exterieures de l’appareil : Largeur - Width: 25" (635 mm) Exterior appliance dimensions: Profondeur - Depth : 21" (533 mm) Hauteur -Height : 26" (660 mm) Diametre du tuyau d’evacuation: 6" (152 mm) Flue pipe diameter: Type de cheminee - Chimney type: 2 100o F / 650o C Hauteur minimale de la cheminee: 12' (3,66 m) Minimum chimney height: Refer to instructions manual All Drol
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ASH DISPOSAL Ashes should be removed from the stove every few days or when ashes get to 2 to 3 inches deep. Always empty the stove when it is cold, such as in the morning. Always dispose of ashes in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. Place this container on a non combustible floor or on the ground, well away from all combustible materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be retained in the close container