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ItalianoPX9600Dimensioni schermo5J.JAM37.0115J.JAM37.0215J.JAM37.0015J.JAM37.051Obiettivo Obiettivo zoom ampioObiettivo STDZoom1 semi lungo ampiezza

SvBenQ ecoFACTSenskaBenQ has been dedicated to the design and development of greener product as part of its aspira-tion to realize the ideal of the "Bringing

EnglishPX9600Screen Size5J.JAM37.0115J.JAM37.0215J.JAM37.0015J.JAM37.051Wide Fix LensWide Zoom LensSTD LensSemi long Zoom1

EspañolTamaño de pantalla5J.JAM37.0115J.JAM37.0215J.JAM37.0015J.JAM37.051Lente fija Lente de zoom anchaLente estándarLente de zoom 1 semi larga

FrançaisFonctionTypeDescriptionASCIIDiversLectureNom de modèle*modelname=?#ÉcritureVide allumé*blank=on#ÉcritureVide éteint*blank=off#LectureStatut de