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Check the availability of WAP services, pricing and tariffs with your network operator and/or the service provider whose service you wish to use. Service providers will also give you instructions on how to use their services. Once connected, the homepage is displayed. The content depends on the service provider. To exit the browser at any time, press the ( ) key. The phone will return to the previous menu. Navigating with the WAP browser You can surf the Internet using either the phone keys or the WAP browser menu. Using the phone keys When surfing the Internet, the phone keys function differently to phone mode. Service Key Description Scrolls each line of the content area Returns to the previous page Selects options and confirms actions Using the WAP browser menu There are various menu options available when surfing the Mobile Web. Note ] The WAP browser menus may vary, depending on your browser version. Internet Menu 8.1 Home (Menu 8.1.1) Connects to a homepage. The homepage will be the site which is defined in the activated profile. It will be defined by the service provider if you have not defined it in the activated profile. Bookmarks (Menu 8.1.2) This menu allows you to store the URL of favourite web pages for easy access at a later time. Your phone has several pre-installed bookmarks. These pre-installed bookmarks cannot be deleted. To create a bookmark 1. Press the left soft key [Options]. 2. Select Add new and press the OK key. 3. After entering the desired URL and title, press the OK key. . Tip:Use the “ ” key and key to enter symbols. To enter “.”, press “ ”. After selecting a desired bookmark, the following options are available. ] Connect: Connects to the selected bookmark. ] Add new: Select this to create a new bookmark. ] Edit: You can edit the URL and/or the title of the selected bookmark. ] Delete: Deletes the selected bookmark. ] Delete all: Deletes all the bookmarks. Go to URL (Menu 8.1.3) You can connect directly to the site you want. After entering a specific URL, press the OK key. Settings (Menu 8.1.4) Profiles A profile is the network information used to connect to the Internet. Note ] In case the SIM card support SAT(i.e. SIM Application Toolkit) services, this menu will be the operator specific service name stored on the SIM card. In case the SIM card does not support SAT services, this menu will be Profiles. Each profile has submenus as follows: ] Activate: Activates the selected profile. ] Settings: Use this to edit and change WAP settings for the selected profile. Service Service Service -Homepage: This setting allows you to enter the address (URL) of a site you want to use as homepage. You do not need to type at the front of each URL as the WAP Browser will automatically add it. -Bearer: You can set the bearer data service. 1 Data 2 GPRS -Data settings: Appears only if you select Data Settings as a Bearer / service. Dial number: Enter the telephone number to dial to access your WAP gateway. User ID: The users identity for your dial-up server (and NOT the WAP gateway). Password: The password required by your dial-up server (and NOT the WAP gateway) to identify you. Call type: Select the type of data call : Analogue of Digital (ISDN) Linger time: You need to enter timeout period. After entering that, the WAP navigation service will be unavailable if any data is not input or transferred. Call speed: The speed of your data connection ; 9600 or 14400 -GPRS settings: The service settings are only available when GPRS is chosen as a bearer service. APN: Input the APN of the GPRS. User ID: The users identify for your APN server. Password: The password required by your APN server. -Proxy settings Proxy: On/Off IP address: Input the IP address of the Proxy server you access. Port number: Input the Proxy Port -DNS settings Primary server: Input the IP address of the primary DNS server you access Secondary server: Input the IP address of the secondary DNS server you access ] Rename: You can change the profile name. ] Delete: Deletes the selected profile from the list. ] Add new: You can add a new profile. Cache Set a value whether a connection attempt is made through cache or not. Cookie Check whether a cookie is used or not. Clear cache Removes all context saved in cache. Clear cookie Removes all context saved in cookie. Security A list of the available certification is shown. ] Authority: You can see the list of authority certificates that have been stored in your phone. ] Personal: You can see the list of personal certificates that have been stored in your phone. SIM service Menu 8.2 (SIM dependent) Your service provider can offer special applications through the SIM card, such as home banking, stock market, etc. If you are registered for one of these services, the service name will appear at the end of the Main Menu. With the SIM Services menu your phone is future-proof and will support additions to your service provider’s service. For more information contact your service provid...