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Сохраняйте ее до конца срока службы. • Следует включать аппарат только в сеть с напряжением, указанным на основании аппарата. • В качестве дополнительной меры безопасности, рекомендуется, чтобы электрическая проводка, питающая ванную, была снабжена дифференциальным переключателем, не превышающим 30 мА. • Как при включении аппарата в сеть, так и при его отключении из сети, переключатель должен находиться в позиции В0й. • ВНИМАНИЕ: Не следует пользоваться аппаратом вблизи емкостей с водой, ванн,

• Unplug after every use or if defective. • NEVER IMMERSE THE APPLIANCE INTO WATER OR ANY OTHER LIQUID. • WARNING: Do not use the appliance near water. • WARNING: Do not use this appliance near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water. • Never allow the appliance to touch water. Even a switched off appliance poses a danger; unplug the appliance after every use or when interrupted during use. • When the appliance is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of

The power cord . must not touch hot parts; . must not be pulled over sharp edges; . must not be used as a carrying handle. The heating element will become hot. Hold the appliance only by its handle. Only use on dry hair; under no circumstances use the appliance on artificial hair. Place the appliance on heat-resistant surfaces only. Avoid any skin contact. Do not use near water contained in bath tubs, sinks or other containers. Risk of fatal injury! Never allow the appliance to come into contact

Hold the plates closed for a few seconds, floating plate can help the hair full contact with the plate, pulling downward from the roots to the tip, in a single even movement the strand of hair should be kept straight when doing this to prevent it from becoming wavy. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure two or three times on medium- length or long hair (Fig. 6). When somebody else is helping you with the straightening, the wide support area will help them to keep the plates closed. Repeat

Hold the plates closed for a few seconds, floating plate can help the hair full contact with the plate, pulling downward from the roots to the tip, in a single even movement the strand of hair should be kept straight when doing this to prevent it from becoming wavy. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure two or three times on medium- length or long hair (Fig. 6). When somebody else is helping you with the straightening, the wide support area will help them to keep the plates closed. Repeat

• The cable must not be replaced by the user. Cable repairs and 4. Mando para la reguacion de la temperatura 4. Temperature control El simbolo del cubo de basura tachado sobre el apara-replacements must be carried out exclusively by an Authorised responsible for ecological recycling, processing and disposal of състояние (нагряване, охлаждане, стабилно) • El cable no debe ser sustituido por el usuario. Las reparacio 5. Display indicadores de la temperatura de funcionamiento 5. Operating temperatu