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5. Avoid exposing your Freestyle watch to extreme temperatures such as in a hot shower, Jacuzzi, sauna or hot tub. The combination of extreme heat and water may cause your watch to lose some of its water resistance. 6. Avoid exposing your watch to chemicals, soaps or solvents as they deteriorate the water resist seals in your watch. 7. Never try to remove the caseback, leave this to a certified watch repair technician or Freestyle service center. This will help in preventing water leakage from i

The change from one display mode to another, press S3 button once. TO SET THE TIME AND CALENDAR 1. Press S3 button to select NORMAL TIME mode. 2. Press S1 button to toggle between NORMAL TIME mode and TIME 2 mode to set. 3. Press and hold S2 button for around 2 seconds, the second digits will blink. 4. Press S1 button to reset the second digits to 00. 5. Press S3 button once, the hour digits will blink. 6. Press S1 to set the hour digits. Holding down the button will speed up the process. 7. Pre

3. Press S2 button to return to CHRONOGRAPH mode. NOTE: The lap record will be cleared when chronograph is reset. TO SET THE ALARM TIME 1. Press S3 button to select ALARM mode. 2. Press S2 button toggle between HOME ALARM (HOME) and TIME 2 ALARM (T2) to set. 3. Press and hold S2 button for around 2 seconds, the hour digits will blink. 4. Press S1 button to set the hour digits. Holding down the button will speed up the process. 5. Press S3 button once, the minute digits will blink. 6. Press S1 bu

The straps are designed to be changed without the use of any tools. Select your strap by following the instructions below. FOR REMOVING MODULE FROM STRAP 1. Hold watch loosely in one hand by placing your index fingers on the back plate of the watch and your thumb on the front lens of the watch. Ensure you are holding the unit by the module only and not by the straps. 2. Using the opposite hand, place your thumb on the plastic strap above your other thumb. Ensure your thumb is only pressing on

Also be aware that there are two sizes of sensor kits available. Refer to the chart shown in these instructions to ensure you have the right kit for the product on which the sensors will be replaced._ NOTE: The kit you have received will come equipped with either 5/64” hex key button head screws or Phillips head pan screws. Either can be used for sensor replacement procedures on all models of Life Fitness exercise equipment equipped with Lifepulse digital heart rate sensors. The treadmill handl

2 ©2004, 2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies Fluke Biomedical Radiation Management Services 6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 440.498.2564 Table of Contents Section 1: General Information................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Descr

Replace the battery when the “Lo Batt” indicator shows in the display. Long life alkaline batteries are available from Fluke Biomedical. Any standard 9 V alkaline battery can be used in the Digital X-Ray Pulse Counter/Timer. To replace the battery, slide open the battery compartment on the bottom of the case. Remove the old battery, and install the new battery. Operation General Instructions Section 2 Operation 2.1 General Instructions Switch Settings The front panel selector/toggle switch on th

Thank you for purchasing a LifeWise Pulse Monitor Watch. Your pulse meter all in one convenient system, so it’s easy to use, wherever you go! Large Liquid Crystal Display — shows you large, easy-to-read digits. START/STOP/AL — press to start or stop the stopwatch or view the alarm. SET/RESET — press to select or reset a setting. Alarm — sounds at the time you set. MODE — press to switch between the clock, stopwatch, and countdown timer. Stopwatch — lets you time events up to 100 minutes in lengt