da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
Supported operating system
Supported hardware
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 or 9 or later on Microsoft
zSeries or S/390 processors
Windows XP
VMware ESX Server 2.5.1 or later
Pentium or compatible processors
Added a description when querying for command status.
Added commands for Priority Port Control Management.
Added additional output line to show Thin Provisioning State when querying ldevs.
Added support for renaming pools.
Support for specifying Terabytes (T/t) as units when creating ldevs.
Added Support for Continuous Access Sync Consistency Group M*N Control.
Support for using inqraid in Windows Power Shell by replacing RAID manager variables that
start with '$' to '%'.
Added RAID Manager binaries for Linux/x64.
Added “/dev/rcdisk/disk*” for finding cluster DSF for MCSG/ HP-UX.
Support for viewing the Virtual ID for a resource group.
Added an option for setting an LDEV/RAID Group/External Group to a specific CLPR.
Added an option for setting the Load Balance Mode for External Storage.
Added an option for setting the Virtual SSID for a virtualized volume.
If you use the following software, install the RAID Manager/LIB that is under the ../RL directory
on the CD.
BMC Enterprise Snapshot software
Remote performance monitor provided by HP
HP Omniback software
RAID management software provided by HP or other vendor
Installation instructions
See the following user guide for installation instructions:
HP XP P9000 RAID Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Part number: T1610-96062
Edition date: January 2014