da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
If the installation CD is not mounted automatically, issue the
location, issue the following command as shown in the example
following commands to mount the CD:
# mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
# modinfo qla2xxx
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
Filename: /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-8.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/
2. Change the directory to the linux directory. For example, if the
installation CD is mounted in /mnt/cdrom, issue the command:
Version: 8.02.03
# cd /mnt/cdrom/linux/
6. To verify that the driver is loaded, issue the following command
as shown in the example below:
IMPORTANT: Under specific distributions, such as Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5), the installation CD is auto-mounted
# lsmod | grep qla2xxx
using the following CD label:
# /media/HpInstall6.7/
If this occurs, the CD may get mounted with the
no execution
flag, causing the installation script to fail. Installation failure may be
7. To verify that the correct driver is loaded, issue the following
indicated by the following error message:
command as shown in the example below:
# ./install_smb.sh
# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/* | grep "Driver version"
bash: ./install_smb.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter:
Firmware version: 4.02.01 IPX
Permission denied
Driver version: 8.02.03-fo
The workaround is to manually mount the installation CD. For
example, if the CD was auto-mounted in /media/HpInstall6.7,
issue these commands to unmount and then re-mount the CD:
Congratulations! You have successfully installed your 8Gb Simple
# unmount /media/HpInstall6.7
SAN Connection Kit hardware and HP StorageWorks Simple SAN
# mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
Connection Manager software.
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
If the unmount command fails with a busy warning, make sure you
close all applications and consoles that could be using the CD
media and try again.
Using HP StorageWorks Simple SAN
3. Run the install_smb.sh script as follows:
Connection Manager
# ./install_smb.sh
This will install the following components:
To configure your storage system, use the HP StorageWorks Simple
• QLogic FC HBA driver
SAN Connection Manager software. This software is installed on
your server if you selected either the HP EVA Management or HP
• HP Array Configuration Utility
MSA Management installation on the software CD.
• QLogic SANsurfer agent–QLRemote (if possible, the
installation program will also start the SANsurfer agent,
1. To launch the software, either:
• Click Start, point to All Programs > Hewlett-Packard > HP
4. If the following message appears at the end of the installation,
StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager and then
you must restart the computer:
click HP StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager, or,
• Double-click the desktop shortcut:
New driver and qlremote installed but not active.
For new driver and qlremote to be active either:
Reboot the system (Mandatory in case of Boot from
Stop all the applications using QLogic driver.
Unload QLogic driver by executing following
2. If this is a new, uninitialized EVA storage subsystem, HP
# modprobe -r qla2XXX (ex. qla2300, qla2400)
StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager prompts you to
Reload new driver by executing following command:
enter an array name and initialize the subsystem (Figure 11).
# modprobe -v qla2xxx
(This step is not necessary for MSA storage.)
Start qlremote as follows:
# /etc/init.d/qlremote start
If the EVA storage is already initialized, the Initialize an EVA
Rebooting the system will automatically load new
Storage Subsystem dialog box does not appear.
driver and start qlremote.
5. Verify that the installation is complete by checking the FC HBA
driver version. To ensure that the driver is installed in the correct
Page 6
... Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch/S-Buy (1.4 mb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch (1.4 mb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 8Gb Simple SAN Connection Kit (1.4 mb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 8Gb Simple SAN Connection Kit/S-Buy (1.4 mb)