da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
ESL9000 Series
Interface Manager
Power on the ESL9000 Series library using the following
a. Turn on both circuit breakers on the AC power
distribution assembly.
b. Verify that all access panels are closed, all back
panel cable connections are firmly in place, and all
doors are closed.
Caution: The expansion cage and the
Caution: Parts can be damaged by
c. Turn on the power switch located below the control
expansion cards that it contains are not
electrostatic discharge. Keep parts in their
hot-pluggable. To avoid damage to
containers until needed. Make sure that you are
Verify that filler panels are installed in all unused slots in
equipment and possible loss of data,
properly grounded when touching static-sensitive
the expansion cage. Push the electronics bay back into
make sure that the library is properly
the library cabinet and finger-tighten the two captive
powered down, as described in Step 2,
screws to secure the electronics bay in place.
before proceeding.
Note: This poster outlines the installation procedures
for a replacement Interface Manager card. If you are
adding an Interface Manager card to an existing
configuration of one to four FC interface controllers or
installing an Interface Manager card in a new configuration,
Because all of the configuration settings of the Interface
refer to the HP StorageWorks Interface Manager and
Manager card are stored in the memory module that
Command View TL Installation Guide for instructions.
you replaced in steps 9 and 10, your replacement
Interface Manager card retains the configuration of the
original card. To verify or change configuration settings,
refer to Chapter 3, “Configuration and Software
Installation,” of the HP StorageWorks Interface Manager
and Command View TL Installation Guide.
Gather the following:
• Replacement Interface Manager card
• Screwdrivers (Phillips and flathead)
• Allen wrench
• Anti-static wrist strap
© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Second Edition (March 2005)
Part Number: 344929-002
Power down the ESL9000 Series library.
a. Press Standby on the front control panel of the
library to place the library off-line. Verify that the
control panel indicates System Off-line.
Open the center back access door or the right back
b. Check the Overview screen of the control panel to
access door of the library, depending on the model.
verify that the gripper is empty. If there is a tape
Turn off both circuit breakers on the AC power
cartridge in the gripper, perform a move command
distribution assembly, located in the base of the library
to place the cartridge in an available storage bin.
cabinet behind the rear access panel. Loosen the two
c. Switch off the power switch located below the
captive screws at the top of the electronics bay frame
control panel.
and carefully tilt the electronics bay outward.