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65 mm (D) . 28 mm (H) (2.6 . 2.6 . 1.1.) Length of cord: Approximately 1800 mm (70.9.) Weight: Approximately 66 g (2.3 oz), excluding power cable Improvements to this product may result in un an nounced chang es to spec i fi ca tions and external ap pear ance. Safety Precautions To ensure proper operation, read this manual thor ough ly be fore us ing this prod uct. Af ter reading, be sure to keep it where it can be seen by all those who use the product. Precautions for Use .IMPORTANT The Nikon MH-70 can be used to re charge Nikon EN-MH1 re charge - able Ni-MH bat ter ies only. Do not at tempt to recharge any other batteries with the MH-70. • The charger and batteries may become warm during charging. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. • The time needed to charge the batteries may increase as the batteries age or if the battery temperature rises during charging. • Once charging is complete, remove the batteries from the battery charger. • Remove the power cable from the power outlet when not in use. • Be sure to use the charger face-up as shown in Figure 1, and do not tilt the charger while charging. • Should an abnormality or malfunction occur, discontinue use immediately and request repairs from your retailer or local Nikon rep re sen ta tive. En glish Thank you for your purchase of an MH-70 Bat tery Charg er. The MH-70 is used to re charge Nikon EN-MH1 re charge able Ni-MH bat ter ies. Be sure to read this instruction manual thoroughly before use. Temperature is out side designated range: use charger in side des ig nat ed tem per a ture range. EN-MH1 has mal func - tioned: stop charging immediately and un plug charg er.* Charging is com plete (bat teries are full): remove bat teries from the MH-70 as de scribed above. Batteries recharging Description Flickers Glows Blinks CHARGE lamp Glows Inserted Inserted Inserted Nikon EN-MH1 Not inserted Charger plugged in: insert EN-MH1 re charge able bat teries. Precautions for Use (Nikon EN-MH1 Rechargeable Ni-MH Batteries) • These rechargeable batteries are to be used exclusively with Nikon COOLPIX digital cameras that accept two Ni-MH batteries. Please note that COOLPIX cameras that accept these batteries can not be used with any other Ni-MH batteries. • Rechargeable batteries may require frequent recharging immediately after purchase or after being left unused for an extended period. This is characteristic of this type of battery, and the batteries will charge fully after being recharged a few times. • For best performance, charge batteries at an ambient temperature of 18 –30 °C (64 – 86 °F). • Always charge both batteries at the same time. • If you are using more than one pair of EN-MH1 batteries, identify the batteries in each pair by marking them where shown in Figure 2 (A) to avoid mixing batteries with different charges. Ni-MH............. EN-MH1(..) Rechargeable EN-MH1 Ni-MH Batteries (sold separately) Wiederaufl adbarer Nickel-Metallhydrid-Akku EN-MH1 (als Zubehor erhaltlich) Accus rechargeables EN-MH1 Ni-MH (optionnels) Pilas recargables Ni-MH EN-MH1 (a la venta por separado) Oplaadbare EN-MH1 Ni-MH batterijen (apart leverbaar) Batterie ricaricabili EN-MH1 al Ni-MH (acquistabili separatamente) ......EN-MH1 Ni-MH.............. ......EN-MH1 Ni-MH.............. Sicherheitshinweise Bitte lesen Sie diese Sicherheitshinweise aufmerksam durch, bevor Sie Ihr Nikon- Produkt in Betrieb nehmen, um Schaden am Produkt zu vermeiden. Halten Sie diese Sicherheitshinweise fur alle Personen griffbereit, die dieses Produkt benutzen werden. Nutzungshinweise + – .2//Figure 2/Abbildung 2/Figure 2/Figura 2/ Figuur 2/Figura 2/..2/..2 A .. ................... ................... .................. MH-70 .....Ni-MH ....... ......EN-MH1 ........ ................... ................. • Wenn Akkus uber einen langeren Zeitraum nicht verwendet werden, sollten Sie die Akkus dennoch etwa einmal pro Jahr vollstandig aufl aden und anschlie.end so lange verwenden, bis sie vollstandig entladen sind. Anschlie.end konnen Sie die Akkus wieder lagern. • Das Aufl aden von Akkus, die nicht vollstandig entladen sind, kann zu einem »Memoryeffekt« fuhren, durch den die Akkus schneller wieder entladen. Dieser lasst sich beheben, wenn die Akkus einmal vollstandig entladen und dann wieder aufgeladen werden. • Akkus, die ihre Ladung nach dem Aufl aden nur noch fur einen kurzen Zeitraum halten, sind verbraucht und nicht weiter verwendbar. Nicht mehr verwendbare Akkus sind eine wertvolle Rohstoffquelle. Bitte fuhren Sie verbrauchte Akkus dem in ihrem Land ublichen Recycling zu. • Do not use batteries if the outer casing is peeling. • The internal temperature of the batteries may rise while the batteries are in use. If you attempt to recharge the batteries while the internal temperature is elevated, the batteries will not charge or will charge only partially. Wait for the batteries to cool before charging. • You may notice radio or television interference when charging batteries. Keep the c...