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Floor protector needs to be a minimum of 24.5” deep X 30.5” wide and be a minimum of .018” thick (26 gauge). Must extend under and 2” to each side of chimney tee (if used). MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES (Figures 12-17) 1” From Back Of Heater to Combustibles 3” From PL Vent to Combustibles 10” From Front Side of Heater to Combustibles 1” From Back Corner of Heater to Combustibles 6” Non Combustible Surface In Front Of Heater 16” From Top Of Heater to Combustibles 36” to drapes, doors, anythi

To INCREASE fuel rate turn trimmer COUNTER CLOCKWISE and to LOWER turn CLOCKWISE. To assist in knowing what changes you made, you should note the amount of time the light on the AUGER CYCLE stays “OFF”. (Note: The light stays “off” when ever the fuel feed motor is not running). Lengthening the time this light stays “OFF” lowers the fuel feed and shortening the “OFF” time increases the fuel feed. Factory Setting #1 light “OFF” is approx. 9-11 seconds, #4 light “OFF” is 3-4 seconds. FEED RATE STAR

The FAN speed can be adjusted by adjusting the FAN trim pot COUNTER CLOCKWISE to INCREASE the speed and CLOCKWISE to DECREASE the speed of the combustion fan. Note: If you attempt to adjust the Fuel Feed Trim Pots, use a small precision screwdriver. The Trim Pots do not make a full rotation. If using a metal screwdriver, be gentle as the plastic trim pot slot can be damaged or stripped. FAN SPEED (Convection or heating) The FAN SPEED controls the speed of the room air fan. This fan blows room ai

Turn all controls on to make sure they are working prior to lighting the first fire. Clean and remove fly ash from exhaust venting. Our local Authorized Dealer should have 3” and 4” chimney brushes available. This is also a good time to give the entire stove a good cleaning throughout. SPRING SHUTDOWN: [COLD STOVE AND COLD ASHES ONLY]. After the last burn in the spring remove pellets from the Hopper Lid hopper and the auger. Scoop out the pellets then run the auger until the hopper is empty and