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Scaricare : 18   File Size : 2 mb   Produttore : GSI Outdoors  
Categoria : Elettrico

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. All wire connections Spark plug gap .125 Pipetrain tightness and gas leaks Flame sensor tight Fuse in place, extra fuse provided Time delay reset Indicator light Pressure gauge Regulator adjusted 10. Shut off valve operates correctly 11. Vapor high limit 12. Unit cycles on to off 13. Heat rise even across transition 14. Unit cycles hi to lo (hi-lo only) 15. Mod valve holds temperature within 1 degree (mod units only). 16. All decals and serial number tag 17. Aesthetic appear

Scaricare : 2   File Size : 2 mb   Produttore : GSI Outdoors  
Categoria : Elettrico

Watch plenum temperature as burner goes through a few cycles, to be sure that it is operating properly. 1. Hi-limit and cycling thermostat must be wired into heater control box for heater to operate. 2. Open all manual shutoff valves to heater unit. 3. Start fan. This will supply power to heater. 4. Turn thermostat dial to its highest setting. 5. Turn toggle switch on. Both red lights should light up indicating power to the control circuit. 6. Heater should now be lit. If not check to see that a
