da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
. Integrated Management Display
. The IMD is a backlit liquid crystal display that allows administrators to enter server and contact
. information. Just as importantly, the IMD presents critical information, warning messages, and
. error messages in an easy-to-understand format.
. A 5-volt auxiliary power line supplies power to the IMD whenever the server power line is
. plugged in. Even if the server power goes down, the auxiliary line continues to power the IMD so
. that critical information, such as the last error message and the administrator’s name, can be
. obtained.
. The IMD unit contains its own static memory. This memory contains the software code to control
. the IMD and the text messages shown on the display. All software enhancements added in the
. future will be available through a flashable ROMPaq. During POST, all event logs, system
. information, and administrator information are uploaded from the system nonvolatile RAM.
. During runtime, new events are stored in the nonvolatile RAM and the IMD static RAM (SRAM).
. If the IMD unit is removed and replaced, all key event and system information is still available.
. C
O M M I T M E N T T O I N D U S T R Y -S T A N D A R D 64-B I T C O M P U T I N G
. To take advantage of the full performance capabilities of the Itanium processor, customers will
. need to run 64-bit OSs. Compaq will support the use of 64-bit versions of Windows Advanced
. Server, Limited Edition (Windows Enterprise Server in the .NET production version), Red Hat
. Linux 7.2, and SuSE Linux Enterprise Edition.
. To realize the full performance benefits of the Itanium processor, customers will also need to use
. 64-bit applications. Since this is an entirely new processor, solution stacks that include the IA-64
. OSs, applications, and backup software will be limited at first. As time goes on, however, more
. solution stacks will be available for the Itanium processor family. Compaq is working with major
. software vendors to ensure that applications are available for those customers who will initially
. benefit most from the ProLiant DL590/64 server.
. Initially, customers using applications that can take advantage of the ProLiant DL590/64 server’s
. large memory footprint will benefit most. As mentioned earlier, the ProLiant DL590/64 server
. will support up to 64 GB of main memory. That’s four times more than most servers available
. today and will benefit applications that move large amounts of data in and out of memory. In
. some cases, entire databases may be able to fit in memory so that the server never needs to access
. data from the disk. The ProLiant DL590/64 server will offer significant performance
. improvements in this type of environment.
. Customers who use Terminal Services can also expect improved performance with the ProLiant
. DL590/64 server. Terminal Server is very dependent on the amount of kernel space that the OS
. makes available. The 64-bit Windows Advanced Server, Limited Edition OS allows much more
. kernel memory space and will enable customers to greatly increase the number of users.
. Compaq is partnering with leading application vendors such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, JD
. Edwards, SAS, Veritas, Legato, and BMC to ensure 64-bit applications will be available. Compaq
. has also invested in developing 64-bit versions of standard ProLiant system management tools.
. These tools include a new 64-bit version of next-generation SmartStart that assists users with
. installing OSs and other software and a new support CD that includes several diagnostic tools and
. system utilities.
. Compaq has developed new 64-bit Insight Manager agents to support Insight Manager XE. In
. addition, Compaq has developed 64-bit versions of the Power Supply Viewer, IML Viewer, IMD
. Configuration Utility, and the enhanced idle screen utility as a part of a new web-based
. management suite.