da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
Deployment of Red Hat Linux 7.2 for Itanium™ Processor on ProLiant DL590/64 Servers
29. Download the Health and Wellness Driver for Intel Itanium Based Systems & Compaq
Integrated Management Log (IML) Viewer Application for Linux package from
www.compaq.com/support/files/server/us/locate/5660.html, and install the Health and
Wellness Driver following the directions posted on the Web.
Appendix A–Compaq Web Resources
Table 4 lists the Internet links noted throughout this document as well as additional links that you
might find helpful when investigating Compaq solutions for Linux.
Table 4. Compaq Web resources
Web Address
Compaq ActiveAnswers gives you the benefit of our experience
to help manage your system and reduce the time, risks, and
complexity associated with deploying solutions.
Linux at Compaq offers industry-defining technology, break-
through performance, high availability, and easy serviceability.
ProLiant DL590/64 Product Marketing site provides product
information about the ProLiant DL50/64 server.
ProLiant Linux website provides information regarding Compaq
and Linux partnerships and solutions for ProLiant servers.
Server Software Download Center allows downloading of the
latest support software, drivers, utilities, and agents and provides
information about software enhancements and fixes.
Appendix B–Red Hat Web Resources
Throughout this paper, we have discussed Red Hat Linux 7.2 for Itanium Processor installation
and requirements. For additional tools and information critical to your implementation process,
visit the Linux Web resources listed in Table 5.
Table 5. Linux Web resources
Resource Description
Web Address
The Red Hat Linux 7.2 for Itanium Processor page lists product
features and ordering information.
The Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide contains
information on how to customize your Red Hat Linux system to fit
your needs.
Red Hat Tips, FAQS and HOWTOs contains documents to help you
install, set up, and troubleshoot your Linux system.
Red Hat Linux Hardware Compatibility List assists you in the
selection of hardware.
Red Hat Documentation & Online Resources are the same guides
that come with Red Hat's boxed products.
Red Hat Press Center provides current and past press releases
about Red Hat's products, services, and partnerships.
Red Hat Linux Errata contains the most recent information about
important updates, fixes, and corrections for Red Hat Linux.