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Using HP Web Services for Output Server
HP Web Services for Output Server configuration
You must specify WSGRealm as the value for the LOGIN_MODULE in the wsg.properties file.
The following example illustrates how to pass credentials and submit a job in a single session.
URL endpoint = new URL("http://"+
QName qname = new QName("http://wsg.hpos.om.hp.com/", "HPOSGate-
/* Get HPOSWeb Service Proxy */
HPOSGateway port = new HPOSGatewayService(endpoint, qname).getHPOSGate-
BindingProvider bp=(BindingProvider)port;
SOAPBinding binding = (SOAPBinding)bp.getBinding();
HashMap map= bp.getRequestContext();
/* Pass the User Credentials like this (sets in HTTP Headers)*/
HP recommends that you consult your network administrator or security administrator to ensure the HP Web Services
for Output Server installation complies with internal security protocols. Settings on IIS and Apache servers may need
to be revised.
HP Web Services for Output Server configuration
The wsg.properties file, which contains HP Web Services for Output Server tunable parameters such as
authentication, is available in the $DAZEL_HOME/share/jboss/server/default/conf directory. By
default, authentication is set to false. You can change authentication to true to authenticate users with a login and
password at the Web Services for Output Server level. You must redeploy Web Services for Output Server after
making changes to the wsg.properties file.
HP Web Services for Output Server helps you create JAAS login modules and plug them into the system. The
wsg.properties file can be used to configure modules such as LDAP. The login modules are part of
login-config.xml file, which is located at $DAZEL_HOME/share/jboss/server/default/conf.
NOTE: For more details on the login module configuration, see “SSL” on page 33.
If you make changes to the login-config.xml file, you must restart the JBoss server.
Viewing log file details
Details of all the operations performed through HP Web Services for Output Server are logged in the sod_wsg.log
file in the /$DAZEL_HOME/var/log directory.
The wsg_sod.log file does not log details of all jobs submitted to HP Smart Office Delivery for HP Output Server
HP Web Services for Output Server