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Facilità d'uso
HP FMS for OpenVMS, Version 2.5
SPD 45.06.02
(Forms Management System)
— /DISPLAY_IMAGE - A printable image of a form
Named Data are form constants that can be stored as
in either terminal image format (with escape se-
part of the form data structure and retrieved at execution
quences) or line printer format (without escape se-
time by calls in the application program. Named Data
allows information needed by the application program
(such as form linkage, operator messages and other
FMS/DIRECTORY - To obtain a directory list of forms
human language information, and data validation criteria
in a library or in form files.
for user subroutines) to be defined, stored, and modified
FMS/OBJECT - To generate an object module con-
independently of the application program.
taining one or more form data structures that, when
linked with the application program, will allow access
User Action Routines
to the forms through virtual memory.
User action routines (UARs) are procedures written by
FMS/VECTOR - To generate an object module con-
the user in any supported OpenVMS programming lan-
taining a vector table of addresses that point to the
guage. UARs are associated with forms and fields dur-
user action routines that are linked with the applica-
ing the creation of form data structures and are auto-
tion program.
matically called by the Form Driver under the following
FMS/TEST - To invoke the form testing facility, which
allows the application developer to display a form as
an application program would, to type data into fields,
When processing for a field is finished
and to display field Help.
Before and after processing the terminal operator’s
Form Driver
Help request
The Form Driver is the run-time component of FMS. It
When the terminal operator presses a function key
consists of AST reentrant, shareable subroutines that
are called by application programs to control the inter-
When a screen refresh operation is requested
action of the terminal, the user, and the application pro-
gram. The Form Driver provides facilities for managing
The Form Driver transfers program control to the user
multiple work areas (each of which contains a single
action routine under the circumstances defined. The
form data structure). Multiple forms can be displayed
user action routine has available to it (through Form
on a single terminal screen.
Driver calls) a parameter string of 80 characters (defined
as part of the form) which can be used to give process-
Form Driver subroutines provide for terminal input and
ing information and the current Form Driver context.
output, display of forms, manipulation of the screen, ba-
sic input validation and formatting, calling user action
Sample Application Program
routines, and responding to the terminal operator’s re-
quests for help. Input and output can be specified one
The Sample Application Program (SAMP) is a supported
field at a time or on a whole form basis.
FMS demonstration program, included in the distribution
kit, and is used to certify proper installation of FMS. The
The Form Driver has a number of features to facilitate
documentation for FMS gives examples from the Sam-
fine tuning of the application human interface. A timeout
ple Application Program. The sample programs (in each
facility allows the application program to continue exe-
of the documented programming languages) and form
cution after waiting a specified period of time for the op-
descriptions are included in the documentation and in
erator to enter the next character. Field video attributes,
the distribution kit. The Sample Application Program
cursor position, and Insert/Overstrike mode can be dy-
can be installed on the target system at the user’s dis-
namically altered by Form Driver calls in the applica-
tion program. Field highlighting, controlled by the Form
Driver, causes the video attributes of each field to be
Printing Forms
altered as the cursor enters the field and to be restored
to their original state when the operator exits the field.
Form images can be created and written to a file
for subsequent printing by either an application pro-
The Form Driver may be purchased separately for sys-
gram using a Form Driver call, FDV$PRINT_SCREEN,
tems that require only run-time support for applications
or by a terminal operator using an FMS DCL com-
using FMS.
Named Data
lowing screen images can be created:
The Form Driver supports the creation of parameter-
Line Printer Image - Line drawing graphic characters
driven applications by providing Named Data.
are converted to standard printable ASCII characters
and all other characters from alternate character sets
are ignored.