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Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 2 P-Series Printer Emulation
- Overview
- Configuring the P-Series Emulation with Control Codes
- Format for Control Code Descriptions
- Switching Between the Emulations
- Special Function Control Code (SFCC) Header
- SFCC Command Line
- Attribute Set and Reset Codes
- NUL Code
- Print Modes Supported for Character Sets
- The Control Codes
- Backspace
- Bell
- Bold Print
- Bold Print Reset
- Carriage Return
- Character Set Select
- Character Set Select: ECMA Latin 1 Extended
- Character Set Select: International Languages
- Characters 80-9F (Control Codes)
- Characters 80-9F (Printable Symbols)
- Elongated (Double High) Print, One Line Only
- Elongated (Double High) Print, Set/Reset
- Emphasized Print
- Emphasized Print Reset
- Emulation Reset
- Expanded Print (Double Wide), One Line Only
- Expanded Print (Double Wide), Set/Reset
- Extended Character Set
- Extended Character Set Cancel (Primary Set Select)
- Form Feed
- Forms Length Set (Inches)
- Forms Length Set (Lines)
- Line Feed
- Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi)
- Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi)
- Line Spacing 8 or 10.3 lpi (1 Line Only)
- Line Spacing 7/72 Inch
- Line Spacing n/72 Inch
- Line Spacing n/216 Inch
- Overscoring
- Plot, Even Dot (P-Series High Density Graphics)
- Plot, Odd Dot (P-Series Normal Density Graphics)
- Print Mode/Pitch Selection
- Reverse
- Superscript/Subscript Printing
- Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset
- Underline
- VFU Commands
- Vertical Tab
- 3 IBM Proprinter III XL Emulation
- Overview
- Configuring the Proprinter III XL Emulation with Control Codes
- Format for Control Code Descriptions
- Escape Control Codes Overview
- Graphics Control Codes Overview
- Switching Between the Emulations
- The Control Codes
- Backspace
- Bell
- Bit Image Mode, Single Density (Normal Speed)
- Bit Image Mode, Double Density (Half Speed)
- Bit Image Mode, Double Density (Normal Speed)
- Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density (Half Speed)
- Bold Printing
- Bold Printing, Cancel
- Cancel
- Carriage Return
- Carriage Return Set
- Character Pitch 12 cpi
- Character Set Select: Set 1 (A)
- Character Set Select: Set 2 (B)
- Condensed Print
- Condensed Print, Cancel
- Deselect Printer
- Double Wide Print
- Double Wide Print (One Line Only)
- Double Wide Print (One Line Only) Cancel
- Emphasized Print
- Emphasized Print, Cancel
- Form Feed
- Forms Length Set in Inches
- Forms Length Set in Lines
- Initialize Parameters
- Line Feed
- Line Feed n/216 Inch (One Line Only)
- Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi)
- Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (10.3 lpi)
- Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Executes)
- Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Storage)
- Line Spacing n/216 Inch
- Margin, Bottom
- Margin Cancel, Bottom
- Margins, Horizontal
- Overscoring
- Print All Characters
- Print Next Character
- Print Mode
- Print Quality
- Proportional Spacing
- Select Attributes
- Set Top-of-Form
- Superscript/Subscript Printing
- Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel
- Tab, Horizontal
- Tab Set/Clear, Horizontal
- Tab, Vertical
- Tab Set/Clear, Vertical
- Tabs, Clear All (Return to default)
- Underline
- Unidirectional Printing
- 4 Epson FX-1050 Emulation
- Overview
- Configuring the Epson FX-1050 Emulation with Control Codes
- Format for Control Code Descriptions
- Escape Sequences
- Attribute Set and Reset Codes
- NUL Code
- Switching Between the Emulations
- The Control Codes
- Backspace
- Bell
- Cancel Line
- Carriage Return
- Character Pitch 10 CPI
- Character Pitch 12 CPI
- Character Pitch 15 CPI
- Character Set Select: International Languages
- Clear Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 0
- Condensed Print
- Condensed Print Reset
- Cut-Sheet / Paper Feed Control
- Define a Download Character
- Delete Character
- Double High Print, Set/Reset
- Double Strike
- Double Strike, Cancel
- Double Wide Print
- Double Wide Print (One Line)
- Double Wide Print (One Line), Cancel
- Emphasized Print
- Emphasized Print, Cancel
- Enable Printing Hex Codes 00-1F and 80-9F
- Form Feed
- Graphics, Standard Density
- Graphics, Double Density
- Graphics, Double Density Double Speed
- Graphics, Quadruple Density
- Half Speed Mode, On/Off
- Horizontal Tab Execute
- Horizontal Tab Set/Release
- Initialize Printer
- Italic Printing
- Italic Printing, Cancel
- Line Feed
- Line Feed n/216 Inch
- Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi)
- Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi)
- Line Spacing 7/72 Inch
- Line Spacing n/216 Inch
- Line Spacing n/72 Inch
- Make Hex 80-9F Control Codes
- Make Hex 80-9F Printable
- Master Print Select
- Paper Out Detection, Enable
- Paper Out Detection, Disable
- Pass Bit 7 from Host
- Printer Select
- Printer Deselect
- Reassign Graphics Mode
- Remove Downloaded Characters
- Select Graphics Mode
- Select Italic Character Set
- Select 9-Pin Graphics Mode
- Select Print Quality
- Select/Deselect Proportional Spacing
- Select Serif or Sans Serif Font
- Select User-Defined Font
- Select Vertical Tab Channel
- Set Absolute Horizontal Print Position in 1/60 Inch
- Set Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 1
- Set Form Length in Inches
- Set Form Length in Lines
- Set Intercharacter Spacing in 1/120 Inch
- Set Margin, Left
- Set Margin, Right
- Set Relative Horizontal Print Position in 1/120 Inch
- Set Vertical Tabs in Channels
- Skip Over Perforation
- Skip Over Perforation, Cancel
- Superscript and Subscript Printing
- Superscript and Subscript Printing, Cancel
- Underline
- Unidirectional Printing, 1 Line
- Unidirectional Printing, Set/Reset
- Vertical Tab, Execute
- Vertical Tab, Set/Clear
- 5 Graphics
- 6 Vertical Page Formatting
- A Standard ASCII Character Set
- B P-Series Emulation Character Sets
- Introduction
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: ASCII (USA)
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: French
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: German
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: English (UK)
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Danish
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Swedish
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Italian
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Spanish
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Japanese
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: French Canadian
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Latin American
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Danish II
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Spanish II
- IBM PC, Primary Subset: Latin American II
- IBM PC, Extended Subset: 0437 PC Character Set
- IBM PC, Extended Subset: 0850 PC Multilingual
- Multinational, ASCII (USA)
- Multinational, EBCDIC
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: ASCII (USA)
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: German
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Swedish
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Danish
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Norwegian
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Finnish
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: English (UK)
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Dutch
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: French
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Spanish
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Italian
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Turkish
- ECMA Latin 1, Primary Subset: Japanese
- ECMA Latin 1, Extended Subset: Multinational
- ECMA Latin 1, Extended Subset: Barcode 10 cpi
- ECMA Latin 1, Extended Subset: Greek
- ECMA Latin 1, Extended Subset: Graphic
- ECMA Latin 1, Extended Subset: Scientific 10 cpi
- DEC Multinational, ASCII (USA)
- DEC Multinational, French
- DEC Multinational, German
- DEC Multinational, English (UK)
- DEC Multinational, Norwegian/Danish
- DEC Multinational, Swedish
- DEC Multinational, Italian
- DEC Multinational, Spanish
- DEC Multinational, Japanese
- DEC Multinational, French Canadian
- DEC Multinational, Dutch
- DEC Multinational, Finnish
- DEC Multinational, Swiss
- C Proprinter Emulation Character Sets
- D Epson Emulation Character Sets
- Introduction
- 0437 PC Character Set
- 0850 PC Multilingual
- Epson Set, ASCII (USA)
- Epson Set, French
- Epson Set, German
- Epson Set, English (UK)
- Epson Set, Danish I
- Epson Set, Swedish
- Epson Set, Italian
- Epson Set, Spanish I
- Epson Set, Japanese
- Epson Set, Norwegian
- Epson Set, Danish II
- Epson Set, Spanish II
- Epson Set, Latin American I
- Epson Set, French Canadian
- Epson Set, Latin American II