da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
6 XA Resource Manager (XARM)
Configuring the WebLogic Server XA Resource Object
Configuring the XA Resource Manager Error Output Destination
Configuring the WLSNonStopTxHelper as a Startup Class
Configuring the JDBC Connection Pools for SQL/MX
Configuring the WebLogic Server Data Sources for SQL/MX
Additional Considerations for JDBC Access to SQL/MX DataBases
The XA Resource Manager (XARM) for the HP NonStop server is a software
component specifically written for and tested with the BEA WebLogic Server. It is
written in C and Java and implements the Java XA resource interface as defined in the
Java™ Transaction API (JTA) specification.
Normally, the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager enlists an XA resource in a
transaction only when the associated resource manager is accessed within a
WebLogic Server transaction. A special construct is needed so that a Transaction
Management Facility (TMF) transaction is associated with the thread along with the
WebLogic Server transaction. Whenever a WebLogic Server transaction associated
with a thread changes, the TMF transaction association should change.
This requirement is achieved by registering a static resource manager object with the
WebLogic Server. A static resource object is a special construct in the WebLogic
Server. A statically registered XA resource manager is enlisted in every transaction
started by the WebLogic Server. When the XARM is registered as a static resource
manager with the WebLogic Server, it interacts with the WebLogic Server to import
transaction branches into TMF when instructed by the WebLogic Server and takes part
in the commitment of the branch under the direction of the WebLogic Server
transaction manager.
As part of starting up each WebLogic Server instance, the NonStop server XA
resource must be registered as a static resource with that instance. Whenever a
WebLogic Server transaction is started (either implicitly or explicitly), a branch of the
transaction is contracted to TMF by the WebLogic Server transaction manager through
the NonStop XA resource. The imported branch protects all NonStop server resources
accessed within the scope of the WebLogic Server transaction.
The static resource manager protects the NonStop server resources when it is
accessed within the scope of a WebLogic Server transaction. However, the WebLogic
Server transaction manager treats a resource as a transactional resource only if it
supports the XA resource (even if the XA resource does not really do transaction
management). For example, for a SQL/MX connection pool to take part in a transaction
involving other XA resources, the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) driver for
SQL/MX should have an XADataSource driver. However, JDBC/MX does not support
XADataSource and XAConnection interfaces. Because of this, a JDBC/MX wrapper
driver has been provided to support the XADataSource and XAConnection interfaces.
The associated XA resource is a dummy resource because it ignores all the XA
requests from the WebLogic Server transaction manager. This satisfies the WebLogic
Server requirement that JDBC/MX be XA-aware.
HP NonStop Server Guide for BEA WebLogic Server 8.1— 529891-001
6 -1
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Computer - HP Integrity NonStop J-Series (631.61 kb)