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Manufactured By A.A.C. A Lennox International Company 421 Monroe Street Bellevue, OH 44811 Ill1111111111Rill 1111111Ill IllIllIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII Savethese instructionsforfuturereference INSTALLATION Wall Sleeve Assembly Toassemblethe wallsleeve,refertothe followinginstructions and Figure 1. 1. Slide top panel over side panels untilretaining clips are engaged in slottedopenings. 2_ Place side and top assemblydown withthe front flange againstfloorandslide bottom panel into side panel slip strips untiltabs on bottom panels are locked inplace. 3. Attach squaring bracesto top and side panels using existingholes. (Do not remove braces untilwall sleeve is secured to building.) Wall Sleeve 4. Attachthe supportanglestotop andsidepanels usingthe #8 x 318"screwsprovided.Twosetsof holes are providedinthepanels for attaching the support angles.Use the rowof holesnearest thefrontof the sleeve to attach the support angles for 1"spacing or the second set of holes for 3-3/4" spacing. The wall sleeve must be square in opening before securing sleeve to building. Thisis requiredto assure the Magic-Pak unitwill slide intothe sleeve. 8. Caulk all seams where the bottom panel joins to the side panels includingthe front corners of the bottom panel and the top of side panel slipjoints. Caulk sealing is best accomplishedafter the wall sleeve is assembled butbefore Risplacedinthe wallopening. Remainingfinalcaulk sealing can be done just after the sleeve is secured intothe wall opening, if desired, to avoidbreakingthe seal duringhandling. Assembly TopPanelP/N33021B000 Frontof Squaring Left Side Panel P/N 33024B001 Braces P/N33048B000 RightSide Panel P/N 33024B002 Side SupportAngle PIN 33027BG00-2 Side= Figure I Further sealing against air infiltrationmust be done alter the Magic-Pak unit is installedin the wall sleeve and utility connectionshave been completed (see Sealing/Weatherproofing Wall Sleeves section). Wall Sleeve Installation The wall sleeve may be installedfrom either the insideor outsideof the building. Some builderswill attach the wall sleeve to the support wallthroughthe sidesupportangleswhethertheyare insertingthesleeve fromthe outsideorthe inside.Othem willuse the side angles simplyas a locating"stop"to achievethe appropriatedimensionwhileshootingfastenersthroughthe sidesofthe wallsleeve intothesupporting wall. In either case, the wall sleeve must be fastened to thesupporting wallandnottothefinishedwall. The sleeve may extend farther than 1"beyondthe finished wall, but reaching the perimeter of the openingfrom inside for sealing becomes increasinglydifficult.In any case, adequate safetyprecautionsmustbeconsideredto protectpersonnel. Instailing Wall Sleeve from Inside The most popular method of installingthe wallsleeve is from theinsideofthe buildingwiththe weatherseal applied from the outsideas thefinishwall isapplied. Instalflng Wall Sleeve from Outside In many high-rise constructionapplications,contractors insert the wall sleevesfrom the outsidewhilethewallis beingconstructed.The two-sidedsupportanglesshould then be attached to the wall sleeve sides at a locationthat will exceed the thicknessof the outsidefinish wall bythe recommended3/8"to 1"dimension. For example, if the supportingwall is concreteblockwith a brickfacing, there is usuallya space betweenthe block andthe brick.This space dimensionmustbeaddedto the width of the brick (plus 3/8" to 1") so that when the sleeve is inserted intothe blockwall opening, up to the angles andfastenedto the blockwallbeforethebrickisinstalled, the sleevewiltprotrudebeyondthefinishedbrickby3/8" to 1", as needed for caulk sealing. The same applies if the supportingwall iswood frame. Onemayinsertthe sleevefromtheoutsideuptothe angleslocated oneach side,allowingforthe thicknessof sheathing,finishsiding,and caulk sealing. Recessed Sleeves Insomeapplications,whereeitherthe buildingwallsare verythick(over 16")orarchitecturaldesigndictates,units can berecessed. Avoidrecessingthewallsleeve ifthe wallopeningis requiredto bethe same sizeasthe wall sleeveopening.However,ifthe wallopeningcan be larger inverticaldimensionthan the wall sleeve so that the bottomcan rest ona sillthat isat least2"higherthanthe bottomof the wall opening, some recessing is permitted. This sillshould be recessed further than the sleeve by 3/8" to 1"to permitweather-seal caulking along the bottom edge withoutpluggingthe drain holes in the sleeve. Thetopof thewallopeningshouldbe above the topof the wall sleeve by a dimensionequal to or greater than the amountofthe recessinordertoavoidrestrictionofthe condenserdischargeair. Sealing/Weatherproofing Wall Sleeves A highgrade non-hardeningcaulkingcompoundapproved forexterioruse mustbe appliedoutsidearoundthe perimeterofthe wallsleeveand thefinished wall. Caulk shouldalso be applied around ...
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