Facilità d'uso
Caulk shouldalso be applied around the sleeve's perimeter and the finishedinteriorwall. Finalsealingagainstairinfiltrationmust be donealter the Magic-Pak unit is installedin the wall sleeve. For additional protection,the space between the unit and the wall sleeve shouldbe sealedon allsideswitha bead ofsealant. Wall Sleeve Dimensions (in.) <.. 1or 3_/4 .16,.._15 or 12_ -$- I i 45 2--I= I I ! _t._ I.----z9- -,4 Flar_es may b_assembl_l 1"or 5_/4" from this e_e of the elc_v_ Figure 2 I_A_T_°.4"948°96----I I I INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS PWCSERIES SELF-CONTAINED HEATPUMP ManufacturedBy ARMSTRONG AIR CONDITIONING INC. A LENNOXInternationalInc. Company 421 MonroeStreel I PART.OI .,,,,RO..I OATEI I 12''0 SUPERSEOESI PAGE2OF,0 GENERAL Theseinstructionsexplainthe recommendedmethod of installationof thePWCheatpumpunitandassociatedelectrical wiring. This unit is designed and approvedfor use as a self-containedair to air heat pump system. These instructions,and any instructions packagedwith maling componentsand/or accessories,shouldbe carefully read priorto beginning installation.Note parliculady any CAUTIONSor NOTESin theseinstructions andall labels on the unit. Theseinstructionsareintendedasa generalguideonly.for usebyqualifiedpersonnel,anddo notsupersedeanynationalorlocalcodesinanyway. Compliancewithalllocal,state,provincial,ornationalcodespertainingtothistypeof equipmentshouldhe determinedprior to installation. INSPECTIONOF SHIPMENT Uponreceiptofequipment,carefullyinspectit forpossibleshippingdamage.Ifdamageisfound,it shouldbenoted onthecarder'sfreightbill. Takespecialcaretoexaminetheunitinsidethecartonifthecartonis damaged.File a claimwith the transportationcompany. If any damagesare discoveredand reportedto the carrier DONOTINSTALLTHE UNIT as claim may be denied. Checkthe unitrating plate to confirmspecificationsare as ordered. CAUTION:INSTALLATIONANDSERVICINGOFAIR CONDITIONINGEQUIPMENTCANREHAZARDOUSDUETO INTERNALREFRIGERANTPRESSUREAND LIVE ELECTRICALCOMPONENTS.ONLYTRAINEDANOQUALIFIEDSERVICE PERSONNELSHOULDINSTALL,REPAIR,ORSERVICETHIS EQUIPMENT. WARNING FORYOURSAFETY DONOTSTOREORUSEGASOLINEOROTHERFLAMMABLEVAPORSANDLIQUIDSIN THE VICINITYOFTHIS ORANY OTHERAPPLIANCE. NOMENCLATURE: 10 PWC 242 A-1A 12 345 1. ELECTRICHEATING 4. ElectricalRatingCode: 5 = 5kW A=208/230 volts; OOHz; 1 phase, 7= .7kW 10 = 10kW 5. RevisionCode 15 = 15kW 2. PWC=(HEAT) PUMPWITH COOLING 3. COOLINGCAPACITYTONNAGE 182 = 1. TON 242 = 2TON 302= 2.TON PARTNO. I 41194BOg6I DATE I 2-1-96 I SUPERSEDES411940094 I I PAGE3OFIO LOCATION Thedesigniscertifiedfor through-the-wallinstallationonly. Theinteriorportionsoftheunit may be surroundedbya closetwith clearancestocombustiblematerial held to 0" at sides, 0" top and O" frontof the plenum. Thegrillesideofthe unitmay beflushwithorextendbeyondthefaceof theexteriorwall, butshouldnotberecessed morethan two(2) inchesfrom the face of the buildingand shouldnotbe obstructedwithtrees, landscapematerials, or buildingstructure. Thereis nominimumclearancerequiredonlocatinga unitto aninteriorcornerofa building. If theunit is to beenclosed, provisionsshouldbemadeallowingaccessto the indoorsideof the unitfor changingfilters.and forinspection.At least 33" of unobstructedspace should be providedin front of the indoorside. whetherenclosedor noL to permit removalof the coolingchassisshouldrepairsor inspectionbe required. If this unit is installedin a residentialgarage it must be locatedor protectedto avoidph_,sicaldamageby vehicles. This unit must be installedso that no electricalcomponentsare exposedto water. INSTALLATION CAUTION:THESLEEVEIS NOTINTENDEDAS THESOLESUPPORTFORTHEUNIT. ANADDITIONALSUPPORTMUST BE PROVIDEDNEARTHE RETURNOPENINGON THE UNIT FOR ADEQUATESUPPORT.THE USE OF VIBRATION ISOLATIONMATERIALBETWEENTHE UNIT AND THE SUPPORTIS RECOMMENDED, CAUTION:THIS UNITMUST BEINSTALLEDLEVELFORPROPERDRAINAGEOFTHE CHASSISBASEPANANDUNIT DRAINPAN. WITHOUTWALLSLEEVE Measurethe sizeofthe unit andprovidean openingin an outsidewall that will acceptthe unit. Localordinancesmay require a steel lintel to supportthe wall abovethe opening. This openingmust be square in all corners. Positiontheunitsothat thegrillesonthe outsidefaceofthe unitareflushorextendbeyondthe faceofthe exterior wall, but notrecessedmorethantwo(2) inchesfromthefaceof the building. PROVIOEA SUPPORTUNDERTHE UNIT INSIDETHE BUILDING.Make sure thattheinsidesupportdoesnot blockthereturnair. The unitshouldbe installed level. Sealthespacebetweentheunitand thebuildingopeningusinga non-hardeningcaulkingcompound.Thesealmust beweather-tighttoprevententranceof moistureandwater intothe building.Makesurethedrainholesinthe base are notpluggedwith caulking. WITH WALL SLEEVE Seethe installationinstructionspacked with Ihe wall sleeveto assembleand mountin a wall. Make sure that the gasketsatt...
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