Facilità d'uso
Make sure that the gasketsattachedtothe sleeveare notdamaged.Assurethat the unit is completelyseatedagainstthe gasketsonthe wall sleeve. Sealspacebetweenwallsleeveand buildingopeningusingnon-hardeningcaulkingcompound.Thisseal must be water tight. CONDENSATEDRAIN Install theplasticdraintube(furnished)overthe5/8" O.O. fittingwelded to the condensatepan. Connectotherend of the draintubeto trappeddrain line (See Figure2). Theplasticdrain connectionto thechassisbaseis providedso that it may bedisconnectedfromthepermanentdrain tubingin thebaseof unit in theeventit becomesnecessaryto removethe chassisassembly. The drain line should pitch gradualtydownwardat least 1" per 10 footof horizontalrun to the open drain. LBe certainthat the plasticdrain tubing has tree drainageandis notcrimpedorflattenedatanybend. PA.T.O.I I 0','_ I _'"_ SU"ERSEOES""_"00_"I ,,,,_,,.0_,I I PA_E,'O_,O FIGURE1 INSTRUCTIONFORSUPPORTINGPWCUNITS Wall Sleeve 7 x 22 Min. OpeningTo A#ignwith'Return Air Openingin Unit. VibrationIsolatingMaterial % Plywood FIGURE2 5/8 " I.D. PLASTIC (FURNISHED) DRAINPAN CHASSIS DRAIN 'ASSEMBLY (FURNISHED) 5/8" I,O. PLASTIC TU"BE(FURNISHEO] 5/8" O.O. DRAIN \ _LINEAND TRAP (iNSTALLERSUPPLIED) RETURN AIR DUCT\ .ARTNO.I "f9"Bog I OATE I [ I 2"t'g6I .SUPERSEOESPAGESOFtO 4119'0094 LIMITATIONS The unit shouldbe installedin accordancewith all nationaland local safetycodes. Limitationsof the unit and appropriateaccessoriesmust also be observed. The unit must NOTbe installedwithany ductwork in the outdoorairstream,Theoutdoor fan is notdesignedto operate againstany additionalstatic pressure. Minimum and maximum operating conditionsmust be observedto assure maximumsystem performancewith minimum servicerequired, TABLE1 -APPLICATIONLIMITATIONS OUTDOORAMBIENTAIR TEMP. OF INDOORAMBIENTTEMP. °F MIN, DB -COOL MAX, DB MIN. MAX. 65 COOL HEAT OB/WB DB DB/WB DO 125 75 COOL HEAT COOL HEAT 62/57 50 90/72 80 DUCTWORK Ductwork should be designedand sized accordingto applicablemethods fromthe Air ConditioningContractorsof America (ACCA). It is recommendedthat supplyand return duct connectionsat the unit be made with flexible joints. ' The supplyand return air ductsystemsshouldbedesignedfortheCFMstaiicrequirementsofthejob. Theyshould NOT be sized Io match the dimensionsol the duct connectionson the unit. NOTE:SUPPLYDUCTFLANGESARESHIPPEDFLATAND MUSTBEBENTUP BEFOREAFI'ACHINGTHESUPPLYDUCT, Toconnectthe returnducttothe unJt,usea straightpieceof duct22" wideby 7" deep. Insert theductintothe return openingin thebottomofthe unit. Flangethe ductoverthe existingflangesaroundthe openinginsideunit. Make sure thatall sidesoftheductareflangedovertopermitremovalofcoolingchassisifrequired.Usea flexibleconnectionto attachremainderofreturnduct.The returnductshouldbesealedtotheunitcasingand terminateoutsidethespace containingthe furnace, NOTE: THE RETURNDUCTMUST ALLOWFORTHE UNIT DRAINPANCONNECTIONSAND DRAINTUBE. CAUTION:00 NOT SCREWINTO THE SIDEOF THE DRAIN PAN. AIR FILTER All indoorreturn airmust befiltered. A permanent-type filter is furnished withtheunit. locateddirectly behindthe ac cess panel. Removingthe panel permitsaccessto the filter. The tiltershouldbecleanedat leastthreetimesduringeach of the heatingandcoolingseasons,ormorefrequently if unusual conditionsare encountered.To cleanthe permanentfiller, shake filter to removeexcessdirt and/or use vacuumcleaner.Washtilterin soapordetergentwaterand replacealter filteris dry. The filter suppliedneed not be oiledalter washing. It an installation is made in which it is more desirable to mount the filter exterior to the unit, in the return duct work, or I PA.TNoI .tt9..o96I DATEI ,rig.DO9.I PAGE,O. 12196 I SUPERSEDEStO olherwise, either the permanent filter supplied or a disposable filter may be used. If a disposable filter is used, the minimum area required is as follows: MOOELNO. FILTER AREA(MtN.) PWC 182 480 sq. in. PWC242 480 sq. in. PWC302 480 sq. in. THERMOSTAT The room thermostatshouldbe locatedonan insidewallwhereitwilt not be subjectto drafts, sun exposureor heat from electricalfixturesorappliances.Followthemanufacturer'sinstructionsenclosedwiththe thermostatforgeneral installationprocedures.Colorcodedinsulatedwires(#18 AWG)shouldbeusedtoconnectthethermostattothe unit. POWERAND CONTROLWIRING ELECTRICALCONNECTIONS ALLWIRINGSHOULDBEDONEIN ACCORDANCEWITH NATIONALELECTRICALCODE,ANSI/NFPA NO.70 (LATEST EDITION).IN CANADA(_SAC22.2 Part 1 (LATESTEDITION),OR WITH LOCAL CODES,WHERETHEY PREVAIL. NOTE: UNITSAREFACTORYWIREDFORA 230 VOLTPOWERSUPPLY. IF POWERSUPPLYIS 208 VOLTS. IT WILL BENECESSARYTO CHANGEA WIRE CONNECTIONON UNIT TRANSFORMERFROM240V TERMINALTO20SV TERMINAL AS SHOWNON WIRING DIAGRAM. Usewiringwitha temperaturelimitationof 75°C rain. Runthe 208 or 230 volt, 60 hertzelectricpowersupplythrough a fuseddisconnectswitchtotheco...
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