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Istruzioni per l'uso Samsung, Modello VP-DX105I

Produttore : Samsung
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This function can be set in the DVD camcorder record mode only. 69_ English PuSjiosi? nepiexojeva Ev5a'5a? eni Tn? o0ovn? Off AnEvEpYonoiEi Tn AEiToupYia. Kajia Black & 1 White Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? aAAaZa Tig eiköve? oe aanpöjaupe?. «sp 2 Sepia Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? öivEi OTiS EiKÖVE? KoKKivo-Ka^E anöxpwan. 3 Negative Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? avTiOTpE^a Ta xpwjaTa, ÖnjioupYwvra? jia EiKöva apvnTiKoü. 4 Art Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? ÖivEi OTi? eiköve? Eva e^e je xovTpoü? kökkou?. 5 Embossl Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? ÖnjioupYEi Eva TpioÖiaaTaTo e^e (avöYAuipo). 6 Emboss2 Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? ÖnjioupYEi Eva TpioÖiaaTaTo e^e (avöYAuipo) aTnv nepioxn nou nepißdAAei jia EiKöva. 7 Mosaic Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? Öiva OTi? eiköve? Eva e^e juaaikou. © Mirror Autö? o Tpöno? AeiToupYia? KÖßei thv eiKÖva OTn jean, XpnaijonoiwvTa? Eva Ka0pEnTr|. 9 Pastell Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? E^apjöZa Eva anaAö naaTEA e^e ZwYpa^iKn? OTnv EiKÖva. 10 Pastel2 Autö? o Tpöno? AEiToupYia? E^apjöZa Eva anaAö naoTEA e^e ZwYpa^iKH? OTnv nepioxn nou nepißdAAei t^v EiKÖva. & 0 Tpono? AEiToupYia? “Mirror” Sev a'vai 5ia6caipog aTov Tpono AaToupYiag 16:9 Wide. KaTapYraTE npwira to 16:9 Wide Yia va opiaETE to “Mirror.” AuTr n AEiTOupYia opi^ETai aE “Off” Kara Tn XPn°n Tou EASY.Q. 01 Tponoi AEiToupYia? “Emboss2,” “Mosaic,” “Mirror,” “Pastell” and “Pastel2” Sev Eivai 5ia6Eai|joi orav Eivai EVEpYonoinMEvo to “Anti-Shake (DIS)” r to “C. Nite”. H AEiToupYia Digital Zoom Sev Eivai 5ia6EaiMn aE Tpono AEiToupYia? “Emboss2,” “Mosaic,” “Mirror,” “Pastell” r Tpono? AEiToupYia? “Pastel2”. Auth n AEiToupYia jnopEi va pu6piaTEi jovov an| AEiToupYia EYYpa^n? TK PiVTEoKajEpa? DVD. Greek 69 using the menu items Focus The DVD camcorder usually focusses on a subject automatically (auto focus). VWien the DVD camcorder is turned on, auto focus will always be set. You can also manually focus a subject depending on the recording conditions. Settings Contents On-screen display Auto In most situations, it is better to use the automatic focus feature, as it enables you to concentrate on the creative side of your recording. None Manual Manual focussing may be necessary under certain conditions that make automatic focussing difficult or unreliable. Focussing manually during recording This DVD camcorder automatically focusses a subject from close-up to infinity. However, the correct focus may not be obtained depending on the recording condition. In this case, use the manual focus mode. 1. Move the Joystick up or down to select "Manual,” then press the Joystick. The manual focus adjustment indicators appear. 2. Move the Joystick right or left to select the desired indicator to adjust focus, then press the Joystick. Focussing on a farther subject To focus on a farther subject, move the Joystick to the indicator(|^2). Focussing on a nearer subject To focus on a nearer subject, move the Joystick to the indicatorfflSI)- The nearer or farther icon (QMO) appears between the indicators when focus adjustment reaches the end. The adjusted value is applied right after moving the Joystick right or left to adjust the focus. The manual focus setting will be applied and ([mf]) indicator is displayed. 3. To exit, press the Joystick repeatedly until the guide disappears. A arar/ PmI Nearer subject> In the following situations, you may obtain better results by adjusting the focus manually. A picture containing several objects, some close to the DVD camcorder, others farther away. A person enveloped in fog or surrounded by snow. Very shiny or glossy surfaces like a car. People or objects moving constantly or quickly like an athlete or a crowd. 70_ English ХРПаЛ twv оtoix^icjov tou |J£VOÚ Focus H pivTEOKdjEpa DVD ouvrj0co? Еопаф аитората as Eva avTiKEijEvo (auto focus).'Otov r| (ЗмтЕокацЕра DVD PpioKETai as Aaraupyia, 0a Eivai ttovtote ри0цюцЁУО то auto focus. МтторшЕ еттютк va еошоете цп аитоцата as Eva вфа, avaAoya |je ti? ow0r|KE? Еуурафп?. Pu0píoa? riEpiEXÓpEva EvGd^EI? ЕГП ТГ)? o0óvr)? Auto ZtI? TTEpiOOÓTEpE? TTEpiTTTCÍXJEI?, EÍVÜI KaAÚTEpO VO ХРП01М0ТТ0|Е1ТЕ тг| 6uvaTÓTr|Ta аитбратп? £oríaar|?, yiari oa? ettitpéttei va ouyKEVT pco0EÍTE отбгроирукп б10отаот| тг|? Еуурафп? aa?. Kcpa Manual H SCTTiaar) Manual evSéxetüi va Eívai airapaíoE o\jyKEpi[JÉV£? oüv0iíke?, ттои kóvouv Tr|v аиторатп EaTíaori 5СюксЛг| ií ava§ómoTr|. [HP1] sSS Í&D f4 @>И Ш cs Mr) аиторатг) eaTÍaari ката Tqv еуурафп AuTrj n (5wTEOKá[j£pa DVD Еопаф аитората oe Éva 0É|ja, airó kovtívó ttAóvo éw? то ÓTTEipO. Qotóoo, r| (косттп EOTíaori ev6éxetoi va |jr|v ettiteux0eí, aváAoya jje ti? ouv0rjKE? ЕуурафП?. ZTr|VTTEpÍTTTWOr| aUTfí, Xpr|01|JOTTOinOT£ tov тротто ÁEiToupyía? un аиторатп? EOTíaari?. 1. METaKivflaTE то Joystick ETTávw п катсо yia va ettiAé^ete “Manual," étteito ттатпатЕ то Joystick. Ерфауфта! n Év6Ei^r| МП аиторатп? pú0|jior|? тг|? Eoríaori?. 2. METaKiviíaTE то Joystick арютЕра n 6e§ó yia va ettiAé^ete Tqv Етл0ирг|тп évSei^i ттр...

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