Facilità d'uso
Thereturnductshouldbe sealedtothe unit casingandterminateoutsidethespace containingthe furnace. NOTE:THE RETURNDUCTMUST ALLOWFORTHE UNIT DRAINPANCONNECTIONSAND DRAINTUBE. CAUTION:DONOTSCREWINTO THE SIDEOF THEDRAINPAN. AIR FILTER All indoor return airmust be filtered.A permanent-typefilter is furnished withthe unit,locateddirectly behindtheaccess panel. Removingthe panel permits access to the filter. Thefiltershouldbe cleanedat leastthreetimesduring eachof the heating andcoolingseasons,or morefrequently if unusual conditionsare encountered. To clean the permanent filter, shake filter to removeexcessdirt and/or use vacuum cleaner. Wash filter in soap or detergent water and replace after filter is dry. The filter supplied neednot be oiled after washing. . PARTNO. ] 41194D094 ] DATE ] 4-15-94 ] SUPERSEDES ] NEW ] PAGE6 OF 10 If an installation is madein which it is more desirable tomount the filter exterior tothe unit, in the return duct work, or otherwise, either the permanent filter suppliedor a disposable filter may be used. If a disposable filter is used, the minimum area required is as follows: MODELNO, FILTERAREA(MIN.) PWC182 480 sq. in, PWC242 480 sq. in. PWC302 480 sq. in. THERMOSTAT The room thermostatshouldbe locatedonan insidewallwhereit will not be subject todrafts, sun exposureor heat fromelectrical fixtures or appliances. Followthemanufacturer's instructions enclosedwith thethermostat for general installation procedures. Color codedinsulated wires (# !8 AWG)should be usedto connectthe thermostat to the unit. POWERAND CONTROLWIRING ELECTRICALCONNECTIONS ALL WIRINGSHOULDBEDONEIN ACCORDANCEWITH NATIONALELECTRICALCODE,ANSI/NFPA No. 70 (LATEST EDITION).IN CANADACSAC22.2 Part 1 (LATESTEDITION),ORWITH LOCALCODES,WHERETHEY PREVAIL: Usewiringwithatemperaturelimitationof 75°C rain. Runthe208or 230 volt, 60 hertzelectric powersupplythrough a fused disconnectswitch to the controlboxof the unit andconnectas showninthe wiringdiagram located on the inside of the control access panel. The unit must be electricallygrounded in accordancewithlocal codesor in the absenceof localcodeswith the National Electric CodeANSI/NFPA No. 70 (latest edition)or CSAC22.2 Part 1 (latest edition). Power supplyto the unit must be N.E.C. Class1, and must complywith all applicable codes.A fused disconnect switch should be field providedfor the unit. Theswitchmust be separatefrom all othercircuits. If any of the wire supplied with the unit must be replaced, replacement wire must be of the type shown onthe wiring diagram. Electricalwiring must be sized to minimumcircuitampacitymarked on the unit. USECOPPERCONDUCTORSONLY. Eachunit must be wired with a separatebranchcircuitand be properlyfused. SEQUENCEOF UNIT OPERATION COOLING-Whenthe thermostatis inthe coolingmode,the 0 circuitis poweredwhichenergizesthe reversing valve. Upon coolingdemand,the thermostat closescircuitR to YandG. ClosingR toY closesthe unit contactor,startingthe compressorandoutdoor fan. Thethermostatautomatically closesRto Gcircuitwhichalsobrings onthe indoor blower atthe sametime. Uponsatisfying coolingdemand,the thermostatwill openthe abovecircuitsand openthe maincontactor, stoppingthe compressorandoutdoorfan. If the unit is equippedwith a time delay, the blower will coritinueto operate for 90 seconds which improves systemefficiency. HEATING-Upon heating demand thethermostatclosescircuitRto Y closingthe unit contactor,starting the compressor andoutdoor fan. Thereversing valveis.no.t-energizedin the heating mode.Thethermostatagainautomatically brings on the indoorblower at the sametime. Thesecondstage of the thermostat closescircuftRto W closingthe unit sequencers, bring theauxiliary electric heaton. Upon satisfying heating demandthe thermostat opens abovecircuitsand stops unit operation. DEFROSTCYCLE-if outdoor ambient conditions are such that frost forms on the outdoorcoil, the defrost control monitors the need for andinitiatesandterminates defrost cycles as neccessary to maintain system performance. The defrost controlis time/temperature initiated and temperatureterminatedwith a maximum defrost time (time-out) of 10 minutes. Time betweendefrost cycles is pre-set at 60 minute intervals at the factory, but can be field adjusted to 30, 80, or 90minutes.Seeillustralionforfieldadjustmentofdefrosttiming. ForbestperformanceinRegionIV, the PWC242defrost interval should be adjusted to 30 minutes. PA,T,O.I ,tt,,O0,,( [ l SUPERSEOESNEW l I PAGE OFtO The defrost controlwill initiatea defrosl cycle if the time period has elapsedand the defrost sensor detects a temperature below freezfng. At the slart of the defrost cycle, Ihe defrost ControlwUIenergize the reversing valve solenoid,shift(ng the reversing valve and de-energizing the outdoor fan. The defrost reraywilt alsoclose, energizing auxiliary he...
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