da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
Performance Enhancements
permits multiple Create Message and Read Message
windows along with the option to print, edit and read a
Previous releases of TeamLinks fetched and listed
created message and its attachments prior to sending
documents from the mail server in smaller blocks. In
the message.
this release, all documents are read from the server at
one time when a folder is first visited. TeamLinks
remembers the list of documents that have been
fetched for each folder visited and displays the stored
Files stored in the file cabinet and application files
information the next time the same folder is visited.
such as word processing files and spreadsheets can be
You can refresh the folders to resynchronize the
included in the Create/Read message windows and
contents with the server.
mailed as attachments to a mail message. The long
filenames, associated with these attached documents,
Office Server V5.0 based enhancements
are supported by TeamLinks when specifying the
document name in the attachment list. To view these
TeamLinks takes advantage of the fault tolerance and
attachments, TeamLinks Mail either invokes the
fail over capabilities of Office Server V5.0 and later
appropriate viewer (if one is available) or launches the
versions on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX. This
associated application to display the attachment.
augments the automatic reconnection in the event of a
network disconnect, automatically switching to another
FCS and AIDA server on the Server. In addition,
Office Server V5.0 and V6.0 enable system managers
During message creation, a user can select mail
to perform load balancing, ensuring the TeamLinks
addresses from the associated user directory (e.g. the
user population are spread across multiple instances of
Distributed Directory Service - DDS, Compaq
FCS and AIDA servers on a Server or Servers in a
Enterprise Directory – was known as X.500 and LDAP
cluster for optimum performance.
compliant directories through Office Server), a
Personal Address Book, a distribution list, the
Office Server based TeamLinks users may also
ALL-IN-1 subscriber list or by simply typing in the
perform cross-filing operations and deposit and
address. All five services can be used in combination
retrieve messages from the Office Server archive.
during message creation to automatically validate or
look up a mail address. On OpenVMS, DDS is
Support for Roaming Users
available as part of the VAX Message Router.
Likewise, the Enterprise Directory service is used with
User Profiles may now be stored on any mail server*
MAILbus 400 and from Office Server LDAP
thus supporting roaming users (*excludes Internet Mail
directories can be accessed. The Personal Address
Book allows users to store and retrieve commonly used
mail addresses, along with name, phone number and
TeamLinks Mail - Message Functions
nickname. Distribution lists provide an easy way to
address large groups of users. The Personal Address
Users can create, read, forward, reply, delete and send
Book and distribution lists can be validated against the
messages using the commands provided. Autoreply
user's directory services.
(Compaq Office Server and ALL-IN-1 only), mail
delegation (Compaq Office Server and ALL-IN-1
Filing Services
only), autoforward, blind carbon copy (Bcc), delivery
receipts and read receipts are also supported. Message
The distributed file cabinet model presents the user
attachments may include any other message or file in a
with one logical file cabinet structure and provides
variety of file format types. Format converters and
storage remotely (stored on Office Server, ALL-IN-1
viewers, along with appropriate gateways, can be
Server, MailWorks Server or Microsoft Exchange
invoked to access and transfer this type of mail
Server) as well as locally (stored on the local or virtual
message. Messages can be addressed to one or more
hard disk) in drawers containing folders, which contain
users at any valid server supported destination (e.g.
mail messages, documents or both. Electronic filing
LDAP, Office Server, ALL-IN-1, X.400, OpenVMS
enables users to share and organize files across
Mail) worldwide. SMTP messages can also be
platforms. Inbound and outbound message transfers
addressed to Internet Mail users from any supported
make use of the remote file cabinet. The TeamLinks
TeamLinks server. When replying to a message, the
client can be used in environments with the Microsoft
system automatically addresses the answer for transfer
Exchange server either standalone or in combination
back to the original sender. The recipient of a mail
with ALL-IN-1, Office Server, MailWorks or Internet
message has the option to reply to the sender, to other
mail servers. When used in combination with one or
recipients of the message, to include/exclude oneself
more of these servers, the TeamLinks user can move
from the reply list and optionally include the main
documents between Exchange, Office Server,
body of the text message in the reply. TeamLinks
ALL-IN-1, MailWorks and Local file cabinets.
Compaq Computer Corporation, 2001