da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
HP TP Desktop Connector V5.0A
SPD 34.81.24
There are four different programming interfaces avail-
The TP Desktop Gateway is an asynchronous, multi-
threaded, runtime component residing on any OpenVMS
node, regardless of the location of ACMS applications
• Automation
being called by desktop clients. There is generally one
gateway on a node. The gateway is an ACMS agent
• C-language
that performs the following functions:
• Java
• Authenticates desktop clients (ACMS submitters).
• Client Services
• Calls tasks for users; this can include local and re-
Automation Interface
mote ACMS task selection.
The Automation interface supports any desktop tool
• Communicates with the desktop client program as
or Microsoft Office product that supports Automation.
part of task exchange step (desktop presentation pro-
ACMS tasks are presented as Automation objects.
cedure) execution. This function is supported by the
C-language Interface
client services only.
The C-language interface supports any desktop tools
• Provides information to the system manager con-
that support a C-callable interface. ACMS tasks are
cerning TP Desktop Connector submitters.
presented as callable C procedures.
Java Interface
Management and Control
• Sun Microsystems Java Development Kit (JDK) Java
The TP Desktop Connector supports the following man-
2 Version 1.4.2
agement and control features:
Client Services Interface
• The client interface reports errors from ACMS back
to the desktop client program for local error handling.
The client interface provides support for three models
of application development:
• The client interface optionally logs error messages to
a local desktop device file.
• Blocking interface where execution of the program
is blocked during execution of the TP Desktop
• Messages can be protected against sabotage or
network corruption by adding Cyclic Redundancy
Checking (CRC) for the client services only.
• Nonblocking support of exchange steps.
• Forced nonblocking that facilitates exchange I/O be-
• The gateway reports ACMS and desktop client errors
tween ACMS tasks and Visual BASIC clients.
to the ACMS software event logger.
The services provided by the portable client interface
• OpenVMS system managers can control desktop
for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Tru64
client access to ACMS and remove desktop clients
UNIX, and OpenVMS address the areas of:
from the ACMS system, using standard ACMS utili-
• Sign in/out services—establish and terminate ses-
TPware .NET Support
• Call processing services—send and receive applica-
tion requests
TPware .NET is an interface between the Windows
based client applications and the TPware Gateway
• Presentation procedure routines—called automati-
server, which in turn communicates with the ACMS sys-
cally by the portable client to facilitate forms process-
tem. It belongs to the TPware product family and,
ing for the desktop user (not supported in a forced
manages and monitors the ACMS applications from the
nonblocking environment).
Windows platform. It has a set of API Client Services
that are referenced by the Windows based applications
to communicate with the ACMS system on OpenVMS.
Runtime System
These API Client Services form the TPware .NET Inte-
Client runtime libraries are provided for the client operat-
gration Class Library. The TPware .NET and the TP-
ing systems to support the execution of client programs
ware Gateway server are the points of contact on the
that use the product’s services.
respective Windows and OpenVMS platforms.