da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
HP Reliable Transaction Router Version 4.2 for
Sun Solaris
Enables the operator to manage partitions, providing
the ability to:
Any hardware that supports the Sun Solaris operating
— Create or delete a partition with a user-specified
— Define a key range definition.
— Select a preferred primary node.
— Select the failover precedence option to choose
Sun Solaris Versions 7 or 8.
between local and cross-site shadow failover.
TCP/IP as provided by the operating system.
— Suspend and resume operations to synchronize
database backups with transaction flows.
— Override RTR’s automatic recovery decisions to
allow manual special recovery procedures.
Remote execution software to support system man-
agement from remote nodes.
— Specify retry limits for problem transactions.
Microsoft-supported Windows-based browser for
Enables the operator to selectively inspect, modify
system management running on a Windows® PC:
the state of, or remove transactions from the journal
Internet Explorer Version 5.01, 5.5, 6.0.
or the running RTR system.
Supports anonymous clients, that is, allows clients to
Reliable Transaction Router applications can be written
be configured with wildcarded node names.
using C and C++ compilers.
Supports compression and decompression of broad-
Workshop 6 update 1.
cast event and transaction reply data to improve net-
Refer to the optional product’s Software Product De-
work throughput.
scription for more information on optional software prod-
Supports failover between multiple IP addresses for
ucts, hardware requirements and support.
any host machine with multiple network adapters.
Frontend Features
Provides the ability for the client to start transaction
The minimum hardware/software requirements for any
branches, where the global transaction may be con-
future version of this product may be different from the
trolled by RTR.
requirements for the current version.
Provides the necessary environment to run Reliable
Transaction Router client applications under Sun So-
laris as part of a Reliable Transaction Router appli-
cation network (facility).
The software and documentation for Reliable Transac-
Provides client functionality in a production environ-
tion Router are available on CD-ROM. The software
documentation is also available in hardcopy format.
Uses TCP/IP as the underlying network transport.
DECnet is also supported.
Supports transactional and broadcast (nontransac-
RTR for Sun Solaris
tional) messages.
Backend Software Licenses: QL-4BVA*-*3
Supports router load balancing in a facility.
Frontend Software Licenses: QL-4BUA*-**
Media and Hardcopy Documentation: QA-4BVAA-H8
Supports automatic router failover in the event of a
Hardcopy Documentation: QA-4BVAA-GZ
communication link failure.
Supports Reliable Transaction Router system man-
For additional information on available licenses, ser-
agement operations.
vices, and media, refer to the appropriate price book.
3 Denotes variant field.