da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
HP DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64, Version 8.3
SPD 48.48.11
task-to-task communication is offered by means of the
two OpenVMS systems. Similarly, multikeyed indexed
System Service interface that extends the capabilities
files with variable or fixed length records are supported.
provided by the transparent mode. These capabilities
include support for interrupt messages and multiple in-
The SUBMIT/REMOTE command allows command files
bound connect requests.
residing on a remote node to be submitted for execution
at the remote node. The command file must be in the
Using DECnet for OpenVMS, an OpenVMS program
format expected by the node responsible for execution.
can exchange messages with other user programs. The
DECnet for OpenVMS also allows OpenVMS command
two user programs can be on the same node, on adja-
files to be received from other systems and executed.
cent Phase IV or DECnet-Plus nodes, or on any two
nonadjacent Phase IV or DECnet-Plus nodes in the
The DCL command EXCHANGE/NETWORK, allowing
same network connected by Phase IV or DECnet-Plus
for the transfer of files to or from heterogeneous sys-
routing nodes. DECnet for OpenVMS imposes no spe-
tems, is available. This command gives users the op-
cial data formatting requirements on the user.
tion to transfer file types between MS-DOS®, ULTRIX
or Digital UNIX, and OpenVMS systems regardless of
Network Resource Access
record semantics. Unlike the COPY command, which
File Access — File access is supported to and from re-
preserves file and record organization during a file trans-
mote DECnet systems using RMS. User programs can
fer, this command enables the user to modify file and
sequentially read, create, and delete files on a remote
record attributes during file transfer.
Downline System Loading
Record Access — User programs can perform record
DECnet for OpenVMS allows for the loading of an unat-
level operations such as GET, PUT, UPDATE, DELETE,
tended system using the services provided by the Main-
FIND, and REWIND to access and modify files resid-
tenance Operations Module (MOM). MOM provides a
ing on a remote OpenVMS node. In addition to se-
set of maintenance operations over various types of
quential access to a file, several other access meth-
circuits by using the Maintenance Operations Protocol
ods are supported through RMS using DECnet for
(MOP). A loadable system is a system that has a load
OpenVMS. These methods include random access by
device enabled for MOP service functions and for which
relative record number, random access by key value,
a properly formatted load file is supplied. Downline load-
random access by Record File Address (RFA), and
ing involves transferring a copy of the properly format-
block I/O access by virtual block number.
ted load file image of a remote node’s operating system
Proxy Access
from an OpenVMS node to the unattended target node.
For example, DECnet for OpenVMS permits the user to
Remote users can have access to up to 15 proxy ac-
load routing software from the OpenVMS node down-
counts on a specific remote system. One proxy account
line to the target node. Load requests can come from
should be designated as the default proxy account on
the local DECnet for OpenVMS operator or from the tar-
the remote system.
get node. Downline loading is supported for HP server
products. However, this facility is not supported over
Command Language File Management
asynchronous lines.
Most OpenVMS Digital Command Language (DCL)
Downline Task Loading
commands can be used to perform network file op-
erations. These commands include: ANALYZE, AP-
Initial task images for loadable systems can be stored on
OpenVMS file system devices and loaded into remote
nodes. Programs already executing on loadable remote
systems can be checkpointed to the host OpenVMS file
WRITE. The operation of these commands is trans-
system and later restored to main memory in the remote
parent except for commands that invoke processing
node. These features simplify the operation of network
on a specific system (that is, SUBMIT/REMOTE and
systems that do not have mass storage devices.
PRINT/REMOTE). Only a node name added to a file
specification is required to invoke the network capabili-
This facility is not supported over asynchronous lines.
ties via one of these commands.
Upline Dumping
Using the COPY command, a user can transfer sequen-
tial, relative, and indexed-sequential (ISAM) files be-
Memory images of adjacent nodes connected by
tween DECnet nodes that support compatible file struc-
DECnet can be written or dumped into a file on an
tures and record formats. Sequential or relative files
OpenVMS system. This facility helps the system man-
with fixed length, variable length, or variable length with
ager in fault isolation on a remote system. This facility
fixed control field records can be transferred between
is also supported for HP server products.