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Facilità d'uso
HP DECram for OpenVMS
SPD 34.26.12
Cluster Environment
If this is an upgrade of a clustered environment from
DECram Version 2.5 to DECram Version 3.2, the
DECram Versions 8.3, 8.2, 3.2 and 2.5 are fully campat-
DECram Version 3.2 software must be installed on all
ible and there can be any combination of these versions
nodes in the cluster where you want to create a DECram
of DECram in a VMScluster.
DECram Alpha Version 3.2 or higher will run only on
Installation of DECram versions prior to DECram Ver-
OpenVMS Alpha systems and DECram for Integrity
sion 3.2 on a clustered system requires installation of
servers Version 8.2 or higher will run on both Alpha and
the DECram software and a license key for all nodes
Integrity server systems; however, the RAMdisk can be
that are members of the cluster.
accessed by OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems in an
OpenVMS Cluster system.
DECram Versions 8.3 is fully supported when installed
DECram Versions 8.3 will run in the following configu-
on any valid and licensed stadalone or clustered Alpha
or Integrity server system.
AlphaServer systems with OpenVMS Galaxy con-
DECram Version 3.2 is fully supported when installed
figured with one or more instances as nodes in an
on any valid and licensed standalone or clustered Alpha
OpenVMS Cluster
Standalone OpenVMS Alpha systems
DECram Version 2.5 is fully supported when installed on
Standalone OpenVMS Integrity server systems
any valid and licensed standalone Alpha or VAX system,
or any clustered VAX system.
OpenVMS Cluster systems consisting of all Alphas
or all Integrity server systems or a combination of
A minimum of DECram Version 2.3 is required for
Integrity server, Alpha and VAX systems.
any OpenVMS Cluster systems running any version of
OpenVMS Alpha.
DECram Version 3.2 will run in the following configura-
DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 supports operation
in an Adaptive Partitioned Multi-Processing (APMP) en-
AlphaServer systems with OpenVMS Galaxy con-
vironment, also known as HP Galaxy Software Architec-
figured with one or more instances as nodes in an
ture on OpenVMS. Previous versions of DECram must
OpenVMS Cluster.
not be used if RAM disks are being served, or served
Standalone OpenVMS Alpha systems.
and shadowed, across nodes within a cluster, or if DE-
OpenVMS Cluster systems consisting of all Alphas
Cram is being used in an Adaptive Partitioned Multi-
or a combination of Alpha and VAX systems.
Processing instance.
DECram Version 3.2 can be installed over a previously
Multiple DECram devices can be members of a Vol-
installed copy of DECram Version 2.5, on Alpha systems
ume Shadowing for OpenVMS shadow set. The MDA
only. If DECram Version 3.2 is removed for any reason,
devices are compatible across the cluster, but the ac-
DECram Version 2.5 is automatically removed as well.
tual data is hosted by a single node and that is served
If you want to continue to run DECram Version 2.5, it
across the cluster via the mass storage control protocol
must be reinstalled.
(MSCP) server.
If this is an initial installation of DECram Version 3.2,
With DECram Version 3.2 or higher, Volume Shadow-
using OpenVMS Version 7.2-2 or higher on an Alpha-
ing for OpenVMS will support shadow sets composed of
based system in a clustered environment, and all nodes
DECram devices and other disk class devices. Removal
that will be using DECram have a common system disk,
of the last non DECram device will cause the shadow
then only one installation of the DECram software on
set virtual unit to abort and become unavailable. Please
the cluster is required. However, for each node in the
refer to the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS Software
cluster that will be using the DECram product, a license
Product Description (SPD 27.29.xx) for more informa-
key must be installed. If you are installing DECram in
a cluster, be sure there is only one installation active at
any given time.
With DECram Version 3.2 or higher, you can use the
new DECram command interface or continue using the
If this is an initial installation of DECram Version 3.2
same familiar commands from SYSMAN for creating,
using OpenVMS Version 7.2-2 or higher in a clustered
initializing, and mounting DECram disks.
environment and there is no common system disk, the
DECram Version 3.2 software must be installed on each
With DECram Version 3.2 or higher, the disk is config-
node of the cluster where you want to create a DECram
ured using the DECRAM> user interface to create and
format the Random Access Memory (RAM) disk. The