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Coupled with a wide range of resolution bandwidth choices, you can configure the Spectrum Master to meet your most challenging measurement needs. As the spectrum becomes more and more congested, the ability to measure low level, closely spaced signals becomes more and more important not only for interference detection but also for wireless system planning. Operating convenience is of paramount important importance when equipment is used in the field. The input attenuation value can be tied to th

Error performance (ITU-T G.821, G.826, M.2100) is available with various pseudorandom patterns and user patterns up to 1024 characters. Frame Relay measurement function, ISDN signaling function (optional), and a simultaneous two-channel monitoring function are also provided. Single button “quick” function and touch-screen ensure easy operation. This unit offers the user sophisticated functions required for installation and maintenance in a small compact unit. Features • One unit supports install

.2: Set a chip rate of x 1.5 or x 2 at AWGN internal addition Ordering Information Please specify the model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering. Model/Order No. Name MG3681A .1 Main frame Digital Modulation Signal Generator (250 kHz to 3000 MHz) MU368060A W1955AE MU368060A-90 MU368060A-91 Expansion unit AWGN Unit Standard accessory MU368060A operation manual: 1 copy Maintenance service Extended three year warranty service Extended five year warranty service Model/Order No. Name MU3680

When both the MU368040A CDMA Modulation Unit that installed MX368041B W-CDMA Software is mounted, one MG3681A can be utilized as a wanted signal source (W-CDMA modulating), an interfering signal source (W-CDMA modulating, CW) and an AWGN source. Furthermore, since mixed Uplink W-CDMA signal and AWGN internally can be outputted by setting the C/N in MX368041B, the base station receiver dynamic range test is realizable by one MG3681A. When both the MU368030A Universal Modulation Unit that installe

peak 01b = RMS avg 10b = neg. peak 11b = sampling mode) bits 3-4 : Amplitude Units (Log) -(00b = dBm 01b = dBV 10b = dBmV 11b = dBuV) (Linear) – 00b = Watts 01b = Volts bit 5 : Channel Power On/Off bit 6 : Adjacent Channel Power On/Off bit 7 : Units Type (0b = Log 1b = Linear) 295) Status Byte 4170 (0b = Off/Beep if data is BELOW line, 1b = On/Beep if data is ABOVE line) (LSB) bit 0 : Limit Type (0b = Single, 1b = Multiple) bit 1 : Not Used bit 2 : Single Limit On/Off bit 3 : Single Limit Beep L

Send a 0 (zero) following the command to set the channel power measurement in the current setup. Send a 1 (one) to set the channel power associated with the trace that was most recently uploaded by command #36, Upload Sweep Trace. If Option 6 is installed and the frequency converter module is attached, the frequencies should be scaled by the scale factor of the module. If the module is not attached, frequencies are sent in Hz. Use Control Word A203 to determine whether a module is attached and t

Spectrum Analyzer Mode Soft Key Labels (continued) MODE=POWER MONITOR: SOFTKEYS: UNITS REL OFFSET ZERO Figure 2-6. Power Monitor Mode Soft Key Labels Chapter 2 Functions and Operations FREQ/DIST Frequency Menu Distance Menu Distance Sub-Menu Displays the frequency and distance menu depending on the measurement mode. Provides for setting sweep frequency end points when FREQ mode is selected. Selected frequency values may be changed using the keypad or Up/Down arrow key. • F1 — Opens the F1 parame