© 2008 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved. 1-2.3-15 Low temperature burners -INDITHERM® E-m-7/08 Spark ignitor - SI-1/2 The spark ignitor is standard included with the burner. It is advised to keep at least one additional spark ignitor available as a spare item for maintenance. This spark ignitor can be mounted directly onto the burner spark ignitor connection port. To be used on all burner sizes. See table below for mounting position C depending on burner size. 1) 1/2” NPT Dimensi

• Close the pilot gas valves. • Release to modulation (allow modulation of the burner). • Above sequences shall be completed to include all required safety checks during the start-up of the burner (process & burner safeties). .com combustion systems for industry MAXON reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice. © 2008 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved. 1-2.3-11 Low temperature burners -INDITHERM® E-m-7/08 Flame supervision Flame supervision can be acc

HHV - sg = 0.6 [1] Combustion air: 15° C - 21 % O2 - 50 % humidity - sg = 1.0 [1] Stated pressures are indicative. Actual pressures are a function of air humidity, altitude, type of fuel, and gas quality. Burner size & type 100 300 550 700 850 1100 1500 1800 back pressure [2] mbar Max. capacity [3] kW (HHV) 0 125 340 550 720 850 1050 1472 1800 1.5 110 285 500 675 775 880 1266 1693 Min. capacity [4] kW (HHV) 0- 1.5 5.0 6.0 10 15 15 25 25 25 Pilot capacity [5] kW (HHV) 0-1.5 7.5 10.0 15 25 25 40 4

Required torque = 1.2 Nm. Maximum capacities INDITHERM® burners will have different maximum capacities depending on burner size and application back pressure. Refer to table on page 1-2.3-6 for maximum capacities. Capacities are stated for firing at zero back pressure and for 1.5 mbar back pressure, both at 3 % O2 level in the exhaust gases. Minimum capacities The minimum capacities depend on burner size and can be found in the table at page 1-2.3-6. The capacities in this table are those that s

© 2008 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved. 1-2.3-21 Low temperature burners -INDITHERM® E-m-7/08 Start-up instructions for INDITHERM® burners Instructions provided by the company or individual responsible for the manufacture and/or overall installation of a complete system incorporating MAXON burners take precedence over the installation and operating instructions provided by MAXON. If any of the instructions provided by MAXON are in conflict with local codes or regulations, please

.com combustion systems for industry MAXON reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice. © 2008 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved. 1-2.3-13 Low temperature burners -INDITHERM® E-m-7/08 INDITHERM® with high temperature discharge sleeve - all sizes 1) Gas inlet 2) Pilot gas connection 3) Combustion air test connection 4) Gas pressure test connection 5) 90° capacity control crank 6) Filter housing (optional) 7) High temperature discharge sleeve 8) Flame su

Do not bypass any of these safety interlocks, this will result in unsafe operation. • Checks during and after start up During and after start-up, check the integrity of the system. Check all bolted connections after first firing (first time on tempera ture) and retighten if necessary. • Purge For safety reasons, it is required to purge the installation sufficiently long to ensure that all possible combustibles are evacuated before ignition. Refer to the applicable local codes and your specific a

All burners are available in ANSI and ISO version. Each version will have the main gas inlet connection following either NPT or ISO standards. All burners include an adjustable orifice needle valve for pilot flame fine tuning, provision for UV-scanner connection and a stainless steel combustion sleeve. Options Every burner has a set of options available, according to the table below: HTS High temperature discharge sleeve FLR Combustion air filter box, recommended in extremely dusty surroundings

32-1). HEX NUT 2 GA TERMINAL LUG INPUT BRACKET LONG POWER CABLE EXTERNAL TOOTH LOCK WASHER PROTECTIVE COVER FIG. 32-1 5. Route the interlock cable from safety interlock system on the vehicle, underneath vehicle floor and through the grommet, and up to the Lift (FIG. 32-2). If possible, use the same cable routing as the long power cable installed in previous steps. Secure the interlock cable every 8”-10”. INTERLOCK CABLE 6. Make sure interlock cable will reach INTERLOCK WIRE the white-red stripe