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The amplifier features our own hybrid digital technology that was made famous with the venerable A7HC--only we took it one step further. Not only is the Amadeus a Digital Class D amplifier it is also capable of playing the full range audio spectrum. (All models except the M7000 which is a pure sub woofer amplifier.) With this new circuitry, we have been able, to package large amounts of power in very small heat sink chassis without any sacrifice to our standards. You wont believe your ears, the

Serial Number Decal QUESTIONS? As a manufacturer, we are com rn_ed to providing complete customer satisfaction. If you have questions, or if there are mLssJng or damaged parts, we will guarantee complete s_tisfaction through direct assistance from our factory. TO AVOID UNNECESSARY DE LAYS, PLEASE CALL DIRECT TO OUR TOLL-FREE CUSTOMER HOT LINE. The trained technicians on our Customer Hot Line will provide immediate assista_ ce_ free of charge to you. CUSTOMER HOT LINE: 1-800-999-3756 Mon.-FrL, 6

With proper care and installation the CEQ600 will service you with years of performance and reliability. The CEQ600 is intended for those who value the acoustic benefits of a multiband Parametric Equalizer / Subwoofer Crossover coupled with the power of controlling four amplifier channels and two independent sub woofer channels directly from the automobile dash board. The CEQ600 is a passive preamp equalizer requiring external amplification to power speakers. It provides 2 channels of front ou

When in the Do Not Disturb mode, the red Do Not Disturb legend will appear in the lower right hand region, and the button will be red. In this mode, all calls will either go directly to voice mail, or will go to the forwarded extension, or will ring busy. The extension will also be removed from any call distribution group for which it has been configured. It will be returned to the call distribution group, and begin accepting calls, when in the Accept Calls mode (grey button). Not Forwarded/ For

This allows you to charge the call to another extension/department. ENTER ACCOUNT CODE CLEAR DEL ENTER F1 F2 F3 F4 CLEAR Press F1 to erase all the digits entered for the account code DEL Press F2 to erase the last digit entered for the account code ENTER Press F4 to exit the current menu Mar06 Digital User Guide 5 Features INDIVIDUAL ABBREVIATED DIALING (optional feature programmed by System Administrator) The Individual Abbreviated Dialing (IAD) feature allows users to program a speed dial code